Taking this Quiz Shows What you Really Know About Cars

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World's Hardest Car Quiz

Here’s a hell of brain-wrecker:­ a 25-question quiz on cars that requires some damn good knowledge on everything from carbon fiber designs to headlights and everything else in between.

I took the test and only wound up scoring a 40 percent. That means I’ve either spent too much time covering American automobiles, or I just ain’t as smart as I thought I was as a person who’s covered cars for years. And hey, don’t get too excited over that first question, which is practically a dead giveaway for Corvette fans because the rest of the quiz is a whole lot harder.

Editor’s Note: I only got 68 percent, so yeah, it’s hard. — MC III

At the end of the test, you are shown how you compare to others who took it. At that point, I found some comfort in knowing that mostly everybody else scored as poorly as I did, which suggests most enthusiasts aren’t as bright as they think when it comes to automobiles.

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Go ahead, test your skills here.

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