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Rich Z 12-28-2006 01:34 AM

Originally Posted by Hoonose (Post 1558273422)
Of course he's been wronged.
But the whole car is around $50K. I could see something progressing if the car was gone. But it's not. It's repairable. Most insurance companies leave it at that.

But also there are emotional damages. But how much? $50K?
1/2 that, I really doubt it.
$10K? Well maybe.
I can't imagine going through the courts for that amount of money.
Unless someone has a wild enough hair up their ass to try.
And there are certainly enough rooters in this peanut gallery to support going in for the kill!

Nope. Not interested in going for a "kill". Just a little justifiable maiming, if you please. :)

If the guy had just taken the high road and bitten the bullet to correct an obvious wrong to one of his customer, this could have been a real feather in his PR cap instead of what it has now become. And yeah, I think mistakes whereby insult is added to injury should be punished by the law. Just the way I think about things, I guess. Heck, maybe the guy who owns the dealership is well enough off financially, that the dealership could even go belly up and it would just be a tax writeoff for him and he goes off to another hobby business. Who knows? So he just wants to play games and really doesn't give a rip about public relations or customers at all. There are people out there like that........

Anyway, if that dealership is having a real time LIVE radio show on Saturday, that is just WONDERFUL. Wish I lived nearby....

Turbodude 12-28-2006 01:59 AM

I'm in San Rafael. Count me in, bro.

Don Juan 12-28-2006 02:37 AM

This is some:bs

I posted this on 3 other forums now around 1000 more people now about this dealership.

NocarbutaVetteforme 12-28-2006 02:54 AM

You know what really amazes me about this whole thing is that what would the dealership do if the roles were reversed? You know what would happen. This individual would have bought a new car. You should ask the dealership what they would sell the car for if it were on their lot? So will this car have a salvaged title as a result of this wreck? If so, the value that it is listed at will be less due to buyers not wanting to buy a rebuilt car. One thing I love about this forum is that you can see how people think alike and when they see one of their own getting screwed they stick together. Not only does this this dealerships attitude hurt themself but also Chevrolet and GM as a whole. IF I am a potential customer for a car and come across this type of thing, I will wonder if that is the way all GM dealerships act. Granted I would know it wasn't but then again first impressions are a lasting one.Also, in the 1st post the person stated that he told them "No drives without him present", is this documented anywhere? Also, there is already a witness to the way the car was driven when it was involved in the accident with box truck driver. What amazes me is the way some businesses don't have a clue when it comes to correctly correcting the situation. They obviously do not realize the true power of the internet until it is too late. How many times have some of you been asked about your car because that someone or someone that person knows is interested in a corvette? I, myself, have been asked many times. I tell them the dealerships that I know of that truly do a pretty good job and also those that tend to screw their customers. Something these dealerships don't understand either is that Corvette people don't just talk to potential Corvette owners but talk to potential Chevrolet buyers as well. Good luck with this situation and keep everyone informed. When it comes to Corvettes, it really is a big brotherhood.

humvet 12-28-2006 03:00 AM

:eek: Keep the pressure on dude - you are asking for what is fair, not greedy. :yesnod:

StarJack 12-28-2006 03:52 AM

Sorry you're going thru this. You should already have a lawyer.

427CPE 12-28-2006 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by Rich Z (Post 1558275101)
Nope. Not interested in going for a "kill". Just a little justifiable maiming, if you please. :)

If the guy had just taken the high road and bitten the bullet to correct an obvious wrong to one of his customer, this could have been a real feather in his PR cap instead of what it has now become. And yeah, I think mistakes whereby insult is added to injury should be punished by the law. Just the way I think about things, I guess. Heck, maybe the guy who owns the dealership is well enough off financially, that the dealership could even go belly up and it would just be a tax writeoff for him and he goes off to another hobby business. Who knows? So he just wants to play games and really doesn't give a rip about public relations or customers at all. There are people out there like that........

Anyway, if that dealership is having a real time LIVE radio show on Saturday, that is just WONDERFUL. Wish I lived nearby....

He will win this case because the courts have people that have been
f****d the same way. I hope he drains them good. Much the reason OJ got off, the people liked him

ken-rx 12-28-2006 08:28 AM

Just ask them, " Who is your insurance carrier". They are responsible when they are in possession of your car. period. no question.

flyinace2000 12-28-2006 08:30 AM

Wow, amazing story. Good luck with it all.

you have been hit on the front page of Digg. expect a lot more page views VERY soon.

Thunder22 12-28-2006 08:54 AM

Cross-posted on and

Good luck, I hope you get some satisfaction.

BRKLYN 12-28-2006 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by Corvette ED (Post 1558238262)
:iagree: :iagree: This is the way to go. Also report to the police that this person didn't have you permission to drive this car. Your insurance company legal department will do the fighting for you at no cost to you. Also some companies will give you full replacement of your new car if it has major damage.

The dealership should offer you a new 07 Vette to replace your car because of their screwup. What does the dealership have to say about this?

Depend's what servicing he had done.Was the driver the tech that worked on car.I know you gave specific instruction's.Has to be all sorted out.chp need's to conclude their finding,they should come pretty
close to what occured.

bramwellt 12-28-2006 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by Chad072 (Post 1558237733)
Why should he claim it on his insurance when he wasn't even in posession of the car when it happened? It was the dealership who wrecked it car out of poor customer service, and they should be responsible for it. Also, his insurance won't cover lost value because the car has now been in a wreck.

The insurance follows the car, unfortunately. His insurance though, will probably seek reimbursement from the dealership. They're not in the habbit of giving money away.

Just so you know, this article got DIGGed, and there are now millions of eyes on it. Good for you. This bay-area resident is firing off an email to that guy now.

TrackNoob 12-28-2006 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by bramwellt (Post 1558276620)
The insurance follows the car, unfortunately. His insurance though, will probably seek reimbursement from the dealership. They're not in the habbit of giving money away.

Just so you know, this article got DIGGed, and there are now millions of eyes on it. Good for you. This bay-area resident is firing off an email to that guy now.


585 Diggs so far, with about 20 mostly positive comments!!!!!

(You gotta understand, Digg and Fark tend to toss any topic around like a kitten with a ball of twine, for entertainment, so anything over 50% positive response is pretty tough to pull off, especially since most would wrongly assume any vette owner is a presumptuous guy who needs a come-upance anyway...) so...

CF rocks! And, Please, let me never get on the bad side of the Force! :eek:

Tourney3p0 12-28-2006 09:48 AM

If you type "San Rafael Chevrolet" or "San Rafael Chevy" into Google, the digitalcorvette thread is on the first page of results. That's without typing "wreck" or "Corvette" or anything else in there.

Anyone who looks them up online is sure to see it, and no one in their right mind would still choose to buy from them.

Duck916 12-28-2006 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by ask1ed (Post 1558271025)
It's the trust issue. Bailment. You break it, you own it.

Actually, that's not the law on bailments. It's a lot more complex than that. In this case the dealer pretty much owes you the same as someone who hits your parked car.

Now our marriage is going through hell over this because the dealer pointed out to my wife, I wouldn't let her drive my car, on one of these posts, on top of the other stress. We had no car. You don't make someone wait two days for a rental either, esp. during christmas. We had to cancel our christmas plans.
I handle claims for a living. When people get upset over a claim they start making outlandish statements that only hurt their credibility. Claiming that this is causing marriage trouble will do nothing more than make people roll their eyes.

As for the rental, I agree the dealer owes you for a rental. But to claim that your Christmas plans were ruined is silly. A plaintiff has a duty to mitigate his damages. You could have rented a car and went about your business. Even a really nice rental car is only about $50 a day. Claiming that your Christmas was ruined because of a wrecked car is another stretch that won't help your case. (As I said in an earlier post, you should claim for the value of a comparable rental, even for the days you chose not to rent one. A Corvette rental is at least $100 a day around here.)

I'm not trying to be difficult; I am trying to help you avoid the trap of appearing whiney. That won't help you with the claims people and it won't help you with the jurors (most of whom can't afford a Corvette).

bramwellt 12-28-2006 09:57 AM

If you go picket, I PM'd you my contact info. I live in Sunnyvale, and will definitely drive up to meet you there. I'll even recruit my friend.

This is my letter to every address you listed in your original post:

Your treatment of your customers is unreal. I am referring to the joyride your drug addict employee took in Mr. Williams's 2005 Corvette that he brought to your dealership for warranty repair. I purchased my C6 Corvette from Sunnyvale Chevrolet, and am very thankful for it. Their facility is run by professionals, not criminals. To think that someone's personal property could be treated with such disregard and carelessness, is unconscionable. And the fact that your dealership isn't bending over backwards to make amends for your criminal acts reveals your true nature as a business.

I just thought you all should know what is being said/done about your dealership in the online community:

You've set the Corvette Forums ablaze:

Which in-turn has made the front page of - with a hit-rate of millions of page views per day:

When you Google search San Rafael Chevrolet, the 6th item on the list is what you did to this guy's Corvette:

I'd have to say you guys have lost hundreds of thousands in business because of this. I know that no forum members will ever buy from your dealership again. You all must be very proud.

Tom Bramwell
Sunnyvale, CA

HyperX 12-28-2006 10:17 AM

I just forwarded this link and the link to my friend at Autoweek. Power of the Internet! haha

Threxx 12-28-2006 10:32 AM

I've been teetering back and forth with the idea of purchasing a new C6 'Vette... but the one thing that has me scared is paying 50k dollars for a car and then getting dealer service as though I had just bought a 9k dollar Aveo.

This certainly doesn't calm my fears, either.

I bought a used Lexus, still under the OEM warranty, a few years ago - the Lexus dealer near me didn't make a dime off of me on the sale since I bought it private party, yet those people treated me like a king in every imaginable sense of the word when it came to warranty service work - 90% of the 'items' covered I'm absolutely positive GM would have cited as 'normal for the vehicle' or 'standard wear and tear' or whatnot. The Lexus I bought only cost about what a Vette does, when new - not that I paid that much... but still. I don't even want a Lexus as my next car, but the amazingly, consistently great service I got from that dealership keeps drawing me back.

I really wish GM would take a more active stance with enforcing ethical practices with their dealerships - even if the dealership is privately owned, that doesn't mean they can't have some stipulations involved in their contract unless they're just afraid the dealership will respond by not selling their cars anymore or something stupid like that.

webdzynes 12-28-2006 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by bramwellt (Post 1558276878)
If you go picket, I PM'd you my contact info. I live in Sunnyvale, and will definitely drive up to meet you there. I'll even recruit my friend.

This is my letter to every address you listed in your original post:

Your treatment of your customers is unreal. I am referring to the joyride your drug addict employee took in Mr. Williams's 2005 Corvette that he brought to your dealership for warranty repair. I purchased my C6 Corvette from Sunnyvale Chevrolet, and am very thankful for it. Their facility is run by professionals, not criminals. To think that someone's personal property could be treated with such disregard and carelessness, is unconscionable. And the fact that your dealership isn't bending over backwards to make amends for your criminal acts reveals your true nature as a business.

I just thought you all should know what is being said/done about your dealership in the online community:

You've set the Corvette Forums ablaze:

Which in-turn has made the front page of - with a hit-rate of millions of page views per day:

When you Google search San Rafael Chevrolet, the 6th item on the list is what you did to this guy's Corvette:

I'd have to say you guys have lost hundreds of thousands in business because of this. I know that no forum members will ever buy from your dealership again. You all must be very proud.

Tom Bramwell
Sunnyvale, CA

THIS is powerful!
As much as I dont want to say it, I caution everyone to choose your comments wisely being certain everything you say is completely factual or set aside as "your opinion". Otherwise you may put yourself in a position to be sued from the dealership.

hughes200 12-28-2006 11:27 AM

Can someone post the radio station call letters and number and the time the show will be on. I'm hoping I can pick this up on the internet to see if there is any discussion about this issue on the show.

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