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FlyBono24 12-16-2013 12:56 AM

Originally Posted by bobeast (Post 1585682901)
The guy then jumps out of his vehicle at a run towards the cops on the ground. My bet is he didn't round the car and change direction until after he was shot. I'm sure it looks vastly different up close and personal than from a news chopper.

He was already running AWAY on the sidewalk before he starts twitching from the bullets entering him. Or maybe you're too ****ing stupid to comment on a video you OBVIOUSLY didn't watch?

DSOMC6 12-16-2013 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by C6ROLLER (Post 1585684920)
In an earlier post I said it was shallow of forum members to judge this guy because they didn't know his story and he could have been a war hero veteran suffering a mental breakdown...if you're correct looks like I was half right...obviously a good guy at some point in his life and something went wrong...sad.

What you can't see from the overhead video (but is clearly visible from the ground video) is that once he opens his door and steps out he is shot at. He then attempts to run around the back of the car trying to avoid the bullets and is shot multiple times. The entire time he is unarmed and his hands are in clear sight. In fact his hands are on the back of the car within two feet of exiting.

jdot 12-16-2013 01:14 AM

Originally Posted by HOXXOH (Post 1585680404)
And we'll never hear what the police were thinking either.

That was at the NE corner of Olympic and Los Angeles in downtown LA. The building on the corner is B of A, which was closed, like all the other businesses in that area. There was no concern for crossfire, since he was trapped next to the building and on 3 of 4 quadrants. Simply moving two or three squad cars another 50-100 feet North would have provided full containment and allowed safety for a capture.
Just because I'm in AZ doesn't mean Google Earth Street View is not an available investigative tool at my disposal before making comments.
I'm just saying, given the circumstances and the surroundings, a live capture was easily attainable.

Well spoken but again everything you say is in hindsight with the benefit of hours to sit and look at videos. And we all have to ask ourselves why would a "law abiding citizen run?" Another unanswerable we can speculate on till old an gray.

C6ROLLER 12-16-2013 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by DSOMC6 (Post 1585684978)
What you can't see from the overhead video (but is clearly visible from the ground video) is that once he opens his door and steps out he is shot at. He then attempts to run around the back of the car trying to avoid the bullets and is shot multiple times. The entire time he is unarmed and his hands are in clear sight. In fact his hands are on the back of the car within two feet of exiting.

Haven't seen the ground video, but your words are painting a disgraceful picture my friend...

INGER67 12-16-2013 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by FortMorganAl (Post 1585672371)
Uh, no. If you do some research later in the video you can time the lights. The lights are timed for 30 seconds each direction. The Corvette's light does not turn green until 36 seconds after the minute and the accident occurs at 20:36. The Corvette had a red light and the red car had a yellow.

The Corvette driver was killed? Sounds like proper cleansing of the gene pool to me. He came out of the car and ran TOWARD the cops instead of away before he went around the back of the car. If you're that stupid we don't need you breeding and voting.

His hands were clearly visible and ON THE CAR. He had no weapon. They killed an unarmed man.

Jeff-Ford 12-16-2013 01:49 AM

If the guy just stayed home Friday night and acted like a responsible person this would've never happened. Even if he just stayed in his car and made his hands visible it would've ended there. The guy had several chances to make better decisions and he didn`t. Those are the only real facts any ones knows. Everything else being said is personal opinions from a video shot from a helicopter.

INGER67 12-16-2013 01:50 AM

Originally Posted by C6ROLLER (Post 1585684920)
In an earlier post I said it was shallow of forum members to judge this guy because they didn't know his story and he could have been a war hero veteran suffering a mental breakdown...if you're correct looks like I was half right...obviously a good guy at some point in his life and something went wrong...sad.

The only information I can find is that LAPD won't have anything to say until tomorrow. It would be awfully sad if he was a veteran suffering from PTSD.

Jeff-Ford 12-16-2013 01:56 AM

I just watched the end of the video again. Just wondering if they shot at him while he was still in the car through the windshield after he lunged his car forward. Im sure we will find out what exactly happened soon enough.

HOXXOH 12-16-2013 02:18 AM

Originally Posted by jdot (Post 1585685004)
Well spoken but again everything you say is in hindsight with the benefit of hours to sit and look at videos. And we all have to ask ourselves why would a "law abiding citizen run?" Another unanswerable we can speculate on till old an gray.

Obviously he was not law abiding, because he was running. No question about that part.
It's a simple military tactic to surround the enemy and cut off any escape route. Even grade school kids playing football learn to do that. It doesn't take but a few seconds to observe the surroundings and there was plenty of time to create a secure perimeter while he was still in the car. So the real question remains why there was no attempt to capture him alive when it was well within the realm of
easy capabilities.

DSOMC6 12-16-2013 02:58 AM

Here's a clearer video. Watch the police on the right... he is executed. shot in the back

Whether one has sympathy for the offender or not This has to do with restraints placed on those in authority, what they can and cannot do. We are either a nation of laws where we are considered innocent until proven guilty and entitled to due process, or we are a police state where guilt and innocence, life and death are decided by those in power. If you would like an example of how the later example plays out, pull up any current story on North Korea. Public executions are pretty popular there and there’s not much need for any pesky evidence.

E.T.D. Corvettes 12-16-2013 03:24 AM

LOS ANGELES ( — The brother of the Corvette driver who was shot and killed by police following a high-speed chase Friday is speaking out.

In an interview only on KCAL9 and CBS2, the man’s brother spoke to reporter Brittney Hopper – by phone — about 52-year-old Brian Newt Beaird of Oceanside.

Beaird’s brother John said, “We’re pretty angry. I mean, there didn’t seem that there was justification for what happened.”

Beaird said his brother, a disabled veteran who served with the National Guard for eight years, only recently bought the silver-colored Corvette.

John — who lives in Central California — said his brother contacted family during the chase.

Authorities said they tried to pull Beaird over for driving recklessly.

“He just kept saying,’Why are they after me? I didn’t do anything.’ My dad had tried to tell him to pull over.”

Beaird led police on a wild chase for an hour.

He eventually crashed into a fire hydrant and another car and the chase came to an end.

As he got out of the vehicle, he was shot. CPR was performed but he died about an hour later at the hospital.

John Beaird does not believe deadly force was warranted or justified.

“This could have been handled differently. He was just scared. And I don’t know what was going through his mind at the time but I hope that if these people did act inappropriately, that there will be justice down the line.”

The LAPD says they are investigating the shooting but declined Hopper’s request for further comment.

Beaird’s brother also told Hopper the family is currently looking for legal representation.

FlyBono24 12-16-2013 05:49 AM

Originally Posted by jagamajajaran (Post 1585685207)
LOS ANGELES ( — The brother of the Corvette driver who was shot and killed by police following a high-speed chase Friday is speaking out.

In an interview only on KCAL9 and CBS2, the man’s brother spoke to reporter Brittney Hopper – by phone — about 52-year-old Brian Newt Beaird of Oceanside.

Beaird’s brother John said, “We’re pretty angry. I mean, there didn’t seem that there was justification for what happened.”

Beaird said his brother, a disabled veteran who served with the National Guard for eight years, only recently bought the silver-colored Corvette.

John — who lives in Central California — said his brother contacted family during the chase.

Authorities said they tried to pull Beaird over for driving recklessly.

“He just kept saying,’Why are they after me? I didn’t do anything.’ My dad had tried to tell him to pull over.”

Beaird led police on a wild chase for an hour.

He eventually crashed into a fire hydrant and another car and the chase came to an end.

As he got out of the vehicle, he was shot. CPR was performed but he died about an hour later at the hospital.

John Beaird does not believe deadly force was warranted or justified.

“This could have been handled differently. He was just scared. And I don’t know what was going through his mind at the time but I hope that if these people did act inappropriately, that there will be justice down the line.”

The LAPD says they are investigating the shooting but declined Hopper’s request for further comment.

Beaird’s brother also told Hopper the family is currently looking for legal representation.

Good. I hope they fire every single idiot cop that fired a shot at him, and they never work in law enforcement or are allowed to carry a gun again.

NY3quartrs5-oh 12-16-2013 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by Jeff-Ford (Post 1585685100)
I just watched the end of the video again. Just wondering if they shot at him while he was still in the car through the windshield after he lunged his car forward. Im sure we will find out what exactly happened soon enough.

In the video posted above, look at second 46, as soon as he starts getting out of the vehicle there is a sort of ricochet from the car and his head ducks, so that is a strong possibility. If thats the case, him exiting quickly like that and the fact that it was dark may have made an officer think he saw a weapon, and once one shot is fired, there sometimes is a chain reaction. (but like it was said by an eye witness they only heard a few shots 5-6)
Also, i'm not sure if there's a video with an angle of the drivers side when he exits, but he was a veteran, so what if he exited with a gun and dropped it when he was shot at and ducked his head? He's a veteran and could have guns, no? Does anyone know if he was shooting at anyone during the hour long chase?

Originally Posted by HOXXOH (Post 1585685136)
Obviously he was not law abiding, because he was running. No question about that part.
It's a simple military tactic to surround the enemy and cut off any escape route. Even grade school kids playing football learn to do that. It doesn't take but a few seconds to observe the surroundings and there was plenty of time to create a secure perimeter while he was still in the car. So the real question remains why there was no attempt to capture him alive when it was well within the realm of
easy capabilities.

MILITARY TACTICS ARE NOT WHAT LAW ENFORCEMENT ENACT, period! You never surround a suspect cause that creates crossfire!!!

Originally Posted by DSOMC6 (Post 1585685180)
Here's a clearer video. Watch the police on the right... he is executed. shot in the back

Whether one has sympathy for the offender or not This has to do with restraints placed on those in authority, what they can and cannot do. We are either a nation of laws where we are considered innocent until proven guilty and entitled to due process, or we are a police state where guilt and innocence, life and death are decided by those in power. If you would like an example of how the later example plays out, pull up any current story on North Korea. Public executions are pretty popular there and there’s not much need for any pesky evidence.

How about innocent until proven guilty for the officers too? WHAT IF THE VIDEO DOESN'T SHOW THE WHOLE INCIDENT? THAT'S WHAT INVESTIGATIONS ARE FOR.

and seriously, public executions? You're comparing this to north koreas public executions? It's people like you that instill fear in everyone and cause riots and unrest.

and before anyone else says i'm just on the side of the cops, that is not true. All i have been saying this whole time is to wait before coming to these uninformed conclusions.

Wait for the evidence to come in before jumping to conclusions. 2 or 3 of your assumptions have already been proven false in such a short time:

1. They shot 110 times FALSE
2. He went through a green light False (reports already stating he had a red.)
3. "No attempt to capture him alive" FALSE they tried for over an hour to get him to stop, and even after the crash witnesses heard cops yelling stop, get down, don't move....

NY3quartrs5-oh 12-16-2013 08:40 AM

From this video, I have a scenario for the open minded of you on here (obviously the cop haters are not going to keep an open mind)

starting at the 46 second mark:

Driver opens door and starts exiting vehicle. Cop 1 thinks he is exiting quickly with a weapon, shoots 1 or 2 times hitting driver in the stomach. Driver then is more scared and runs around car grabbing at the trunk and pole. Realizing he was hit, grabs his stomach. Officers at bottom of screen see him grabbing his stomach, thinks he's reaching for a gun in his waistband and fire 4 more times, hitting him in the back.

All this happening in less than 4 seconds and with 6 shots fired.

Murder? Public execution? or a tragic event that could have been avoided a thousand times over the course of that hour and 10 minutes?


If any of these officers acted inappropriately, they should be dealt with, but i can be pretty certain they will not stand trial for murder from what I can see from this video and my experience with situations like this. It is not as clear as many of you think or "know". (monday morning quarterbacks....)

Jimmy Z 12-16-2013 08:50 AM

Do what the cops say..........simple!

Hirohawa 12-16-2013 08:58 AM

There where about 25 police cars there. Even if he had this imaginary gun - he never pointed his hands towards the cops. I'll even go one step further - What if he did have a gun? He was outnumbered at least 30 to 1. No hostage no where to run to. Many options even with an armed suspect. If it was a lone patrol car - the situation would be different.

Also street was completely lit as well as the overhead chopper dousing the area with their own illumination. It was not too dark - downtown LA is not some rural back road.

He didn't rob a bank or steal the vehicle. During the hour long chase they would have been informed if that where the case.

Total amateur over reaction and execution of a disabled veteran. I live in LA and seeing a mob of Police act as a makeshift firing squad is frightening.

NY3quartrs5-oh 12-16-2013 09:06 AM

Surely you can't be serious? So, there being 25 cars there, IF he had a gun, they should wait because if he shoots at a few of them the rest will get him?? Are you that unintelligent??

Originally Posted by Hirohawa (Post 1585685930)
There where about 25 police cars there. Even if he had this imaginary gun - he never pointed his hands towards the cops. I'll even go one step further - What if he did have a gun? He was outnumbered at least 30 to 1. No hostage no where to run to. Many options even with an armed suspect. If it was a lone patrol car - the situation would be different. Also street was completely lit as well as the overhead chopper dousing the area with their own illumination. It was not too dark - downtown LA is not some rural back road. He didn't rob a bank or steal the vehicle. During the hour long chase they would have been informed if that where the case. Total amateur over reaction and execution of a disabled veteran. I live in LA and seeing a mob of Police act as a makeshift firing squad is frightening.

Hirohawa 12-16-2013 09:09 AM

I love all the "running" descriptions. The guy stumbled awkwardly about 5 feet before he was shot.

How fast of a gallop can anyone make from the drivers door to the passenger side rear corner much less a 51 year old that was disabled?

Hirohawa 12-16-2013 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by NY3quartrs5-oh (Post 1585685968)
Surely you can't be serious? So, there being 25 cars there, IF he had a gun, they should wait because if he shoots at a few of them the rest will get him?? Are you that unintelligent??

No dummy. A guy who just wiped out in a high speed collision who stumbles out of a vehicle ain't hitting anything - IF - if he had a gun. Which he didn't.

Also a suspect having a gun does not mean the Police get a free pass to open fire unless the gun is brought to bear on them. There are rules of engagement for Police officers. Like if they arrive at a store or home being robbed it might be the victim with a gun protecting themselves. Do you really not know that? Educate yourself before you attack another's intelligence with your overwhelming ignorance of police procedures.

None of this happened anyway as the guy DID NOT HAVE A GUN.

NY3quartrs5-oh 12-16-2013 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by Hirohawa (Post 1585686018)
No dummy. A guy who just wiped out in a high speed collision who stumbles out of a vehicle ain't hitting anything - IF - if he had a gun. Which he didn't.

Also a suspect having a gun does not mean the Police get a free pass to open fire unless the gun is brought to bear on them. There are rules of engagement for Police officers. Like if they arrive at a store or home being robbed it might be the victim with a gun protecting themselves. Do you really not know that? Educate yourself before you attack another's intelligence with your overwhelming ignorance of police procedures.

None of this happened anyway as the guy DID NOT HAVE A GUN.

Ok here's a little lesson for another know it all. A gun in the hands of anyone, stumbling after a collision or a child can kill. Even if a person has the worst aim in the world how are you supposed to know he won't "accidentally" hit you while trying?
Second, A police officer DOES NOT HAVE TO WAIT FOR A GUN TO BE POINTED AT THEM TO SHOOT!!! You speak of "rules of engagement" like you know them BUT YOU DON'T.
In your robbery scenario, if the victim has a gun and doesn't listen to orders and cops feel threatened, YES HE MIGHT GET SHOT. It does happen, and it's tragic, but most citizen's know to LISTEN TO POLICE ORDERS.


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