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LouieM 04-29-2021 01:37 PM

John is a legend in so many areas of life. My Sting Ray would not be the same car without its many improvements based on his generous sharing of knowledge. Let's all hope for the best.

Dr L-88 04-29-2021 01:43 PM

Very sorry to hear this. John is such a great person. Prayers for his comfort and healing.

mrg 04-29-2021 02:27 PM

JohnZ’s posts were top notch and informative. Always great info. His experiences from someone who was there back in the day added a cherry on top.
John not having posted here in the forum for some time might have been a harbinger he wasn’t feeling well. After reading post #1........trying hard not to read between the lines. .. Prayers

Tmichaelson 04-29-2021 03:17 PM

Very sad news. GOD BLESS. A true icon.

OHSIXX 04-29-2021 04:27 PM

I never met John, but benefit from his knowledge a few times. Thank you and God Bless.

65-L78 04-29-2021 05:57 PM

prayers sent in Johns direction. i love to read his articles. amazing knowledge.

Dave Tracy 04-29-2021 06:22 PM

Up until now, I was having a good day.

66jack 04-29-2021 06:35 PM

He is One of Kind...Prayers to you John, and your family...

Mark Lovejoy 04-29-2021 07:02 PM

Sad news indeed. I've known John for the 20 odd years I've been involved with this and the Vetteheads website.
He went out of his way to help us all. A true gentleman and a wealth of knowledge.
We will miss him.

*89x2* 04-29-2021 07:09 PM

He is a wealth of info, always good stuff posted or written in mags.

SupremeDeluxe 04-29-2021 07:39 PM

I’ve been here since 1998.

Back when this forum was centered upon working on cars, we got many informed inputs to a thread but waited for John to weigh-in with the “right” answer.

This is terrible news, we wish John all the best, now as always.

I saved every single issue of Corvette Enthusiast. I have the entire deck back to the premier issue, all in mint condition because I’d buy one copy to read and one to save. This was mostly due to my excitement when it went from a bimonthly to a monthly publication, and near that time John’s technical columns became part of the cadence. I’m going to give those to my 2-year-old when the right time comes.

Godholio 04-29-2021 08:00 PM

I can't begin to explain how much I've learned from reading his posts, which long predate my appearance on this site. Here's hoping for a sharp turn for the better, and that he knows how much he means to thousands of people from all walks of life.

wellstroked 04-29-2021 09:02 PM

I’m a newbie here, so don’t have the history, but already I’ve had generous offers from members offering and actually performing inspections for me on cars I was considering for purchase. Have also gained a lot of knowledge from this forum.

Point being....I hope we’re not losing one of the “old guard” and can only hope the best for John and his family.


ratvet 04-29-2021 09:54 PM

Sad news for sure...all the best to you John...thoughts and prayers for you and your family...

59BlueSilver 04-29-2021 11:10 PM

Hoping you get through this, John, my prayers are with you.

GarryL 04-30-2021 01:02 AM

I don't know John, but my heartfelt prayers go out to our dear Lord for a miracle!


ghostrider20 04-30-2021 03:12 AM

John was a tireless contributor here, and in other venues. His words were all that needed to be said on a subject. I wish him peace and comfort in the end, and a heartfelt thank you for all you provided me on this forum.

emccomas 04-30-2021 07:06 AM

John is the true definition of a gentleman. And his wealth of knowledge that he freely shared with all of us and many others will be felt for generations to come.

I have known John for 20 plus years through Vetteheads and this forum, but John was a big contributor to many other forums (Camaro, Viper, the list goes on).

I still have, and very much treasure, a sketch he made for me of the tool that was used at the Corvette Assembly Plant to expand the "Spin Rivets" on 1968 gas door lids (4 rivets for the hinge, plus two more for the crossed flag emblem).

John is, and will always be in my thoughts and prayers, and of course those extend to his wife Linda.

God Bless you John, and thank you for all that you have done for so many people.

Jake Morgan 04-30-2021 07:21 AM

My thoughts out to John and his family.

I was a bit late to the Corvette party (2019) and found several references to a C1 assembly line paper/presentation that he and Dale Pearman put together for Bloomington Gold session. I contacted him about it and he replied he was cleaning out a few things and was just about to throw out his last copy...He mailed me it a few days later.

Sam Kalmuk 04-30-2021 08:09 AM

John is an Outstanding individual, and has helped me out, on a few occasions. Wish him a Speedy & Healthy Recovery....

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