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newyiddy20 12-16-2005 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by mtsumedi
I have never seen rice like that I have seen down here in SOUTH Florida. I cannot stand some of the dumb crap I see them do. They pretty much ruin everything.

Ricer - "Hey man, you want to run a Honda?"
Me - "Why?!?"
Ricer - "It's fast yo!"
Me - "Okay, we'll see." (As they all mach my Mach 1 and tell me how badly I will get beat)

I killed that poor Honda. They didn't have much to say after that. Most of the ricers down here are little Mexican punks. Not that I have a problem with anyone because of that, but when you see it so much and that is all you see of it, it grows tiresome. I am pretty young myself (24), but I do not get kids these days. Man oh man am I sounding older everyday. I have a baby on the way and I am starting to hate the "newer" music.

Old man me.

little Mexican punks ? sounds a bit racist,what does their heritage have to do with it ?

86VX1 12-16-2005 03:07 PM

man, I remember the time when I Thought I knew how to wipe my own ass, at the tender age of 24. Then I remembered that there are some idiots that don't ever learn to wipe their own ass like mtsumedi. I hope your kid ends up with a mexican.

86 vet, greenwood body kit, 406 sbc, and all mexican.

mpcorvette 12-16-2005 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by 86VX1
man, I remember the time when I Thought I knew how to wipe my own ass, at the tender age of 24. Then I remembered that there are some idiots that don't ever learn to wipe their own ass like mtsumedi. I hope your kid ends up with a mexican.

86 vet, greenwood body kit, 406 sbc, and all mexican.


Greenwood79 12-17-2005 06:11 PM

Hi gus..Just surfing other forums on here..Some beautiful C4's here. Just a pic of my C3 with the Lambo doors. I bought them from the Georgia outfit, Dream Car Customs..$750.00.

I agree with some of the posts...To Each his own......
I love them and thats all that matters.....Oh, BTW the doors open out 18" first before they pivot up and outward on their front axis.

Take Care..


flaagan 12-17-2005 08:07 PM

greenwood... holy ****
I don't know what's cooler, your paint job or how slick those doors look like that! :eek:

Seriously though, one thing that keeps bugging me in the back of my mind is: when you put this kind of setup on a c4... what about all the wiring... isnt that being stretched beyond its limits?

Greenwood79 12-18-2005 04:42 AM


On mine at least, we had to splice in about 12" of wire...The door manufacturer tells you that no surprises....Some cars may need it, some may not....

Thank You for the compliments on the car...I get "good" feedback and "very negative" feedback, but the car is the way I like it..I am about 99% done of an interior upgrade..MAn, what a long but rewarding job that was!!!!!!!..New carpet and seats etc...

Here are a few more pics...

Call Dream Car Customs in georgia, ask to speak with Troy..he and his son own the company. he is very competent and good to work with. If u can't locate the # let me know.


flaagan 12-18-2005 05:46 AM

greenwood.. fyi, that link pops up a page requiring a login. :D

That Tony & son sound a lot like the pair I saw listing such a kit on ebay a while back.

Personally, I don't think I'd put such a kit on my C4 (at least not my current one). Should I ever have the cash to get a C5 down the road, it's almost definitely something I'd put on that. The C5's have such a heavy euro influence compared to the C4's (in my opinion at least) that such a kit works well with the design.

Greenwood79 12-18-2005 05:53 AM

I'll send u a quick PM with the login..Sorry about that.


bite2dis 12-18-2005 07:55 AM


mtsumedi 12-19-2005 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by newyiddy20
little Mexican punks ? sounds a bit racist,what does their heritage have to do with it ?

You are right about the heritage thing and I am not a racist person. It is merely a classification. If you are describing someone and they happened to be a black guy or an Asian or whatever, you would use that as part of your description. It just happens.

Originally Posted by 86VX1
man, I remember the time when I Thought I knew how to wipe my own ass, at the tender age of 24. Then I remembered that there are some idiots that don't ever learn to wipe their own ass like mtsumedi. I hope your kid ends up with a mexican.

86 vet, greenwood body kit, 406 sbc, and all mexican.

Well, I hope you got the ass wiping thing down because burnout marks only look good on the street.

Realize that my statement didn't mean any negativity towards Mexicans or Latin people. Just that the rice I see and stupid **** I see is mainly done by these kids. I hate all forms of idiots and do not classify it any way other than they are idiots. I have friends that are Mexican and it doesn't really matter.

Funny thing, Saturday night, I got jumped by a couple of Mexican kids because one of them drove by a crowd of people at about 90 mph at the spot we race at. It starts at the point we all hang out and the people race out to a marked 1/4mile point. Well, he took off in that direction, turned around and flew right past the crowd. He put a lot of people's lives in danger and I told him he was a ****in idiot for doing it. I said nothing about heritage, skin color, or country of origin. I asked him if he was a ****in idiot and if he wanted to kill someone. Next thing I know I am getting my ass kicked my three Mexicans. It's a classification, nothing more.

If I was still in Tennessee, it would be dumbass hillbillys. It's all situational. Sorry if I offended you with the comment, but my age had nothing too with this.

ORANGEBROTHERS 12-19-2005 03:44 PM

Lamborghini Doors for C4
Why? It ain't no lambo. :crazy:

ZumZum 12-19-2005 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by DJN
Why? It ain't no lambo. :crazy:

Nope, it's not a lambo. In fact there are other european cars with doors like that that aren't lambos either. Should all gull wing cars be called a Delorean or Mercedes?

The fact is the Corvette wasn't designed with custom wheels, paint jobs or LT headers and superrams, but yet there are thousands of threads here where people discuss putting these very things on their cars. Maybe we should just tell all them that their car wasn't intended to have those items

Surely they are changing their car in a way that was unintended by the Chevrolet designer gods.

AZC4Guy 12-19-2005 05:02 PM

Next thing I know I am getting my ass kicked my three Mexicans.


It only took 3?


Red Tornado 12-19-2005 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by ZumZum
The fact is the Corvette wasn't designed with custom wheels, paint jobs or LT headers and superrams, but yet there are thousands of threads here where people discuss putting these very things on their cars. Maybe we should just tell all them that their car wasn't intended to have those items

Surely they are changing their car in a way that was unintended by the Chevrolet designer gods.

i'm confused.

"designer gods" have to do with visual mods......such as tasteful paint jobs and tasteful aftermarket wheels. operative word, tasteful. these definitely enhance, rather than detract, from the original lines.

the other mods you mentioned -- long tube headers, superram, etc.....these have nothing to do with whether the original intention was there or not, because these are pure performance enhancers and most anyone who's anybody surely would prefer more power. after all, we're driving a modern sports/muscle car, and power should be demanded. the more the better, to a point. more performance is hardly even debatable.

therefore, i have no idea what you posted. it makes no sense to me. sorry.

vettefast 12-19-2005 09:06 PM

Once again your opinion not everyone elses. :rolleyes: At least you took this part out of your post! "the visual garbage on the photos at he beginning of this thread are NOT tasteful AND they detract from the original lines." Once again your opinion. I am sure that there are many things I could pick apart on your Vette and call it "Visual garbage" or "NOT tasteful" But I'll let you keep thinking you have the last word in how everyone elses Vette should look :rolleyes: . The statements you have made on this thread is a big reason why a lot of members shy away from this forum. :leaving:

Red Tornado 12-19-2005 09:42 PM

Originally Posted by vettefast
Once again your opinion not everyone elses. :rolleyes: At least you took this part out of your post! "the visual garbage on the photos at he beginning of this thread are NOT tasteful AND they detract from the original lines." Once again your opinion. I am sure that there are many things I could pick apart on your Vette and call it "Visual garbage" or "NOT tasteful" But I'll let you keep thinking you have the last word in how everyone elses Vette should look :rolleyes: . The statements you have made on this thread is a big reason why a lot of members shy away from this forum. :leaving:

the sentence you had in bold was actually an error of mine, i was thinking about an entirely different thread than this one. thats why i removed it in my post.

i didn't realize i had the last word. this is an ongoing thread, as its not locked.

i'm not sure what you could say about mine, the exterior body & interior is 100% stock, except for the black ball knob on sitting on top of my hurst shifter.

you're correct, anything i post is my opinion. that is the natural assumption.

apparently you dislike my opinion, which is absolutely great with me :cheers:

you may remember some time ago i remarked on how i really liked your high rise hood (i believe it was you, maybe i'm wrong). it still follows the original C4 lines ;)

vettefast 12-19-2005 10:42 PM

I dislike anyones opinion when they call other members rides garbage or distasteful. If it was not this thread you were dishing someone's ride on another thread. It's one thing to have a opinion it's another to bring someone down with it. This is not the first thread you have done it and I am sure it's not the last.

Red Tornado 12-19-2005 11:16 PM

you misread my posts completely. i never personally, directly, cut down someone's ride. never. however, i have voiced my (negative) opinion on photos of cars that weren't owned by members on this forum. these were threads where someone was thinking of doing something in particular to their vette (certain body mods, body kits, etc.).......these are public threads and i'm not attacking anyone personally. i may say how and why i dislike wings in a general sense, for example, but i would not put you down directly and personally, by name, for having one. you're reading my posts as a 3rd person, but taking it in 1rst person. i will try to be clearer in future posts on this subject. thank you for bringing it to my attention :cheers:

ZumZum 12-20-2005 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by Hot Rod 90
i'm confused.

"designer gods" have to do with visual mods......such as tasteful paint jobs and tasteful aftermarket wheels. operative word, tasteful. these definitely enhance, rather than detract, from the original lines.

the other mods you mentioned -- long tube headers, superram, etc.....these have nothing to do with whether the original intention was there or not, because these are pure performance enhancers and most anyone who's anybody surely would prefer more power. after all, we're driving a modern sports/muscle car, and power should be demanded. the more the better, to a point. more performance is hardly even debatable.

therefore, i have no idea what you posted. it makes no sense to me. sorry.

Well, tasteful is a very subjective term. Your tasteful and somebody elses tasteful are probably not the same. And why do mods have to be tasteful. Personally I think it's great that somebody has the gut's to be outrageous and different.

Now, the point of my previous post was that the majority of the posters in this thread seemed of the opinion that lambo doors or other outrageous mods (see the post where you're asked to describe this vette with one word) are an affront because the Corvette wasn't designed that way or to put it another way, a sin against the Corvette designer gods. Lambo doors don't even change the original lines of the car except when the door is open.
Why do body/paint modifications go against the "original" intentions. It's still a Vette and still a vette underneath. I have nothing against engine mods. I have several and plan more down the road. When somebody opens their hood and the only piece of original equipment is the engine block, isn't that way beyond the original intentions? I find nothing at all wrong with that. What I do find wrong is the attitude that as long as the modifications are within the standard of what these posters think they should be, it's ok. If not, then your a subject of ridicule and obviously don't belong to our clique. We're all Vette owners here, but more importantly, we're all individuals. Here's to the individual.

Man, sorry. I hope this doesn't seem to rambling and that you can get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

dnut24 12-20-2005 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by Hot Rod 90
i'm confused.

"designer gods" have to do with visual mods......such as tasteful paint jobs and tasteful aftermarket wheels. operative word, tasteful. these definitely enhance, rather than detract, from the original lines.

the other mods you mentioned -- long tube headers, superram, etc.....these have nothing to do with whether the original intention was there or not, because these are pure performance enhancers and most anyone who's anybody surely would prefer more power. after all, we're driving a modern sports/muscle car, and power should be demanded. the more the better, to a point. more performance is hardly even debatable.

therefore, i have no idea what you posted. it makes no sense to me. sorry.

just to play devils advocate here... but your comment is hypocritical.

you say that to go away from the original design, flaws the lines and the looks of the car. but since its a sports car we should "demand" more power? well the car was designed with that specific amount of power for a reason. so adding more power to it, takes away from the original design and alters the cars characteristics. such as the tranny, and tires will react differently and components might break cause they're not rated at that kinda of torque of HP. and yes, i know you're gonna say, well you upgrade those parts, etc. but thats going way beyond the original design of the car and that is what you're referring to here.

i dont care if someone puts something or does something to their car that i dont like. if i see it online or on the street, i just giggle and glad its not me. but the people who bash others online are the same people that will tell you to your face that they like it and laugh behind your back if they saw you in person.

just like momma said, "if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all." :nono: it boggles my mind that people who are against, in this situation lambo doors. still freaking click on the thread and waste theirs along with everyone else time chimming in with their opinions when no one cares. just dont click on the thread if you're opposed to it and the world will be a better place and we dont have to sort through the useless remarks to find the info we came for.

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