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exukboy 11-18-2007 01:07 AM

Fantastic photos, they are superb as indeed the write up. Drive safely British cousin and keep us informed of this adventure,:thumbs:

gota07 11-18-2007 03:59 AM

No perhaps about it, this is got to the Ultimate C6 Journey. If the trip is as good as your narration and photo documentation of it, this is going to turn out to be one of the best ever threads posted here on the forum. I'm staying tuned to this one. :thumbs:

Atomic UK, here's to your trip being a safe and unforgettable journey. :cheers:

LTC Z06 11-18-2007 04:51 AM

Cool, hit the Nurburgring while going through Germany. Do they still use the hover farrie to get across the channel?

Atomic UK 11-18-2007 07:24 AM

Humbled by your kind words, but thanks guys.

From England, most people cross to France by the Channel tunnel on the Eurostar or Eurotunnel*
rail services (*you sit in your car and it takes 30 minutes, but you can still cross the water by ferry
and there are limited hovercraft services, but most of these were replaced by catamaran. :)

cmb13 11-18-2007 07:45 AM

Nice job! Btw, can you get Zeppelin tickets? :)

FEAR 11-18-2007 08:51 AM

enjoy my home state! weather is a little nicer than london in november, huh. if you need anything dont hesitate to ask. i have shops all over the state that can do anything you need should the need arise

Atomic UK 11-19-2007 12:30 AM

Well by now you will have gathered that there is something about this car, this journey
etc that fate is clearly playing a part. :blueangel:

Well it played another card today. Before departing Bonita Springs, I went with my
friend to try and purchase a Wii, although out of luck, as we drove back I spotted
a car park full of Vettes, so having said my goodbyes to my friends, I returned to
find the largest Corvette show I have ever attended! :D

There were around 180 cars, with perhaps 80% being Corvettes.
This was the annual Vette Together charity show and I strolled around in awe as
there were many models I'd never even seen before and some I didn't know existed!

Naturally my eye spotted an Atomic in the pack and I wandered over to talk to the
owner of the Z06. Randy was very interested to hear my story and was keen to
see my car and compare notes. It transpired, his was the only AO in the area,
so we made a promise, I'll not bring mine back to the Fort Myers area, if he doesn't
bring his to England, so they can both remain unique! :lol:

I met many other wonderful people, who if any are reading this, it was great to
meet you and share stories and thank you for making me so welcome!

Naturally I had to purchase some C6 & 'Jake' items from Jim & Jan at Custom
Corvette Accessories, who again made me very welcome and we made plans
to meet at Laguna Seca in 2008 when the Driving Adventures tour visits the
ALMS race - already looking forward to that!

With a 5 hour drive ahead, I had to make an exit earlier than I would have liked,
but I hope the rest of the show went of well and raised a lot of money for a
great cause.

So off I set down 41. Two bizarre things occurred.
Firstly my wife called from England to tell me we'd had 2 inches of snow which
is rare and was unpredicted...and there was I cruising with an air temp of 85!

We are all used to animals in the road, back home we have the odd fox or
badger as a rare sight, but today I came across something I guarantee I'd
never see back home, an Alligator crossing the road! :willy:

I wish I'd had the chance to take a photo, but I was too concerned it may
get hit and was busy alerting the on coming traffic to it's presence.

As I continued my journey I spotted another rare sight to me, two airships seemingly
chasing each other around the sky. I pondered their activity for some time before it
came to me, they were filming above the final NASCAR round in Homestead!

I failed to make Key West by sunset, but still managed to get some nice shots, before
concluding today's 300 miles with a cruise down Duval.

In a little over 24 hours, I am already just shy of equaling the car's previous six
month total mileage, quite simply, it's the perfect way to bond with something that
is much more than just a car to me.

To close, here is today's Road Gallery.
Enjoy! :cheers:


Rogue C6 11-19-2007 12:56 AM

Congrats on your C6!

You clearly have a way with the written word. Have you thought about getting a video camera and taping your travels in Europe? I for one would love to see an American Corvette in Europe. Consider getting a camera mount for the Corvette too. I would imagine that the public reaction to that beautiful car in Europe would be amazing.

Patrick :cheers:

gota07 11-19-2007 02:02 AM

Nice sunset shot.

Nd4spd2 11-19-2007 08:57 AM

I'm really looking forward to this continuing thread and your journeys in the USA and Europe. :thumbs: :cheers: Safe travels

RicK T 11-19-2007 11:01 AM

Beautiful......story and pics! :thumbs: I'm waiting for the next installment.

RAP 11-19-2007 11:33 AM

Congrats on your new ride!!! :party:

As stated above.......It is an amazing car anywhere, but it gets so much attention here in Europe. Just going into a resterant today I looked out the window and someone was walking all around my car and trying to look inside. It happens all the time.

I try to get mine out for as many European adventures as I can while living here. Last summer I was able to drive mine on the track before the start of the 24 Hours of LeMans race. We met many great members of the UK Corvette club there at Camp Corvette.

If during your journey along the German autobahn you are planning to be anywhere near the Heidelberg area, let me know and we could talk Corvettes and about your trip. There are many great Corvette events here in Europe. A great show every summer in the Netherlands and a Super show only a couple miles from here at Hokenheimring (Corvette Euromeet otherwise known as the Corvette/Viper Shootout). Many happy travels and get used to the attention and questions you will get over here.

Congrats again and hope to see the new ride out at some of the European events!!!:flag:

Atomic UK 11-19-2007 11:35 PM

Well as they say, here endeth the first chapter.....well, almost!

Today saw Atomic and I travel back up from the Keys and she encountered
something for the first time that will soon be a regular sight, the first drops
of rain fell onto her beautiful paintwork. :(

It did cross my mind for a split second "will the wipers work?" but naturally
they did. It was all over in under two minutes and unlike my previous
black C5, she still sparkles, even after 600 miles in the dust and now rain!

We drove right through down town Miami tonight and I would have loved
to have stopped to grab another photo as I didn't really take many today,
well perhaps the odd 181 or so! :crazy:

Sadly we got into to the hotel too late to make a meet up for drinks, so
apologies go to cmb13 for not getting in touch, next time hopefully?!

We are now in place ready to part company for a few weeks as I will
take to the air Tuesday night, leaving Atomic behind as she awaits her
ship to come in - just as mine did on Saturday when she became mine.

If I manage to obtain any images tomorrow as we part, I add those
later this week once I am back in the UK, but for now I'll leave you
with some of today's images and once again would like to thank you
all for your generous words and kind support.

To all those I have met these past few days, it's been an absolute
pleasure and who knows, I may even bring Atomic back to America
one day to drive coast to coast and perhaps I might just make that
calendar as some have suggested to me in emails.

Until we meet again... :cheers:

RicK T 11-20-2007 01:17 AM

Safe trip bud! Cheery O! :thumbs:

StarJack 11-20-2007 03:22 AM

:cool: :cheers:

gota07 11-20-2007 04:43 AM

Based on how well this has gone so far, I can't wait to see chapter 2.

Best of luck with your Vette getting a calm ride home.

Sparkieeee 12-02-2007 01:17 PM

Wanna adopt me? Please. Pretty please.

burtonbl103 12-02-2007 01:27 PM


Atomic UK 12-02-2007 02:06 PM

Just to keep everyone updated, 'Atomic' should hopefully have departed from Miami last Friday
and be out on the Atlantic ocean as I write this.

I'm so badly missing her and just itching to drive her again, and having not been able to do so for
12 days now, has been hard, especially as I face another 14 or so until she lands in the UK.

I'll keep everyone posted on progress and will leave you for now with my last photo from Miami
as we parted.

Thanks again for your kind words. :cheers:

canandy2 12-02-2007 02:19 PM

Great write up and pics:thumbs:
Are you sure your not part of the Royal Family?
Cant wait for chapter 2

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