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s'noJob 12-13-2012 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by Choreo (Post 1582555489)
Now we get to look forward to "stoned" drivers too!

How about stoned while texting? Thank God for airbags. Saved my dad once. Makes me feel safer driving my 'Vette. I hope you reach 100% recovery soon.

tentuna 12-13-2012 06:51 AM

Thank your lucky stars, I hope they take the drunk driver off the road for good, heal quickly, God Bless

Louisiana Red 12-13-2012 07:00 AM

God was your copilot:thumbs:

runner140* 12-13-2012 07:18 AM

Never thought I would post these letters togethers, but....OMG.
I can relate to a "head-on". Had one about 10 years ago. Shocking pic's. Glad you are OKay.

ronsrods222362 12-13-2012 07:34 AM

HOLY CRAP,those pictuires are hard to look at.If you had not posted the story and just the pics I would have bet that there was no way of surviving that kind of impact. Glad that you not only survived but did so with minimal injuries. Thank you for sharing with us.

esemes 12-13-2012 07:42 AM

Christmas came early for you. Glad to hear you're gonna be okay......


SPDKNGG 12-13-2012 07:48 AM

Wow you have Angels watching over you because that car is so smashed, you are lucky to escape with your life!! Most drivers don't survive such a collision.
I agree, get a reputable attorney and let him go to work for you.
All you that drink and drive...stop! Your days are numbered.

Pete W 12-13-2012 08:04 AM

That is a terrible thing to happen to you. Just glad you are ok. I am amazed that the car can look like that and you can come out with minor injuries. That is a testiment to the build quality of these cars. I think your number wasn't up yet, either.

chipscvettec5 12-13-2012 08:13 AM

So sorry to see this, just wishing you the best for quick healing. Hope that SOB has insurance, get what you can to replace your car. Lucky for him the cops had already been alerted and you couldn't get out quick enough. Having more time the thought came across my mind of dragging his a** out of the car, throw him over the embankment and see if he knows how to fly. Hey, let us know and see once you decided on another car. Take care bro.

Zogs2011 12-13-2012 08:16 AM

Wow, sad to see. Really glad you are OK :blueangel:

INaband 12-13-2012 08:23 AM

I was hit by a drunk that totalled my Dad's car when I was 16.
C5 is a safe car to be in if you have a wreck, those frame rails protect for real.

cor66vette 12-13-2012 08:30 AM

Divine intervention. :thumbs:

n8dogg 12-13-2012 08:32 AM

WOW! Glad you are OK!

MikeMikeWmike 12-13-2012 08:34 AM

glad you didn't get injured.....take that idiot for all he has!!

ssrallyred 12-13-2012 08:41 AM

Glad your OK bro !

DevilDog II 12-13-2012 08:47 AM

I've handled all kinds of crashes over the years and you're lucky to be alive, particularly at that speed. I'm glad you're okay. Every day is a gift.

JW Motorsports 12-13-2012 08:50 AM

Wow makes me never want to drive again :eek:

Glad you're ok :thumbs:

17inac4 12-13-2012 09:04 AM

Your guardian angel was definitely flying with you that day. So glad to see you are okay

TheRadioFlyer 12-13-2012 09:09 AM

1. Happy you're relatively uninjured.
2. Go get 'em

FNFastZ06 12-13-2012 09:12 AM

I agree, if I just saw the pics, I would bet money you weren't around anymore! Double spooky since your car was my car's twin. Glad you are OK.

I was rear-ended twice in my last 'Vette. 1st was a drunk driver, second was a cell phone nincompoop. The second one killed the car. When my wife came to the scene and saw the mangled car, she said 'you're Corvette days are over!". After I explained that the car gave itself up to protect the passengers, she agreed and I'm still a happy 'Vette owner.

These cars are well designed and you definitely benefited. I wouldn't have wanted to experience that myself though.

She was drunk, you'll get made right, you can almost be guaranteed that. Good luck!

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