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Mecom Racer 07-07-2006 09:23 AM

Anyone here an expert on back pain?
I was getting ready to wash my car yesterday evening and without lifting anything or any sudden moves, my back went out. I couldn't move for a couple minutes, then finally made my way to the couch. It feels like someone stuck a knife in my back around 3" up from the bottom of my spine on my left side, just over the hip bone. Every time I move, lean, step, anything, it feels like the knife is twisting and I lose my breath. What the hell happened to me?! I've never had back problems before. I had to have my wife help dress me and put my socks and shoes on this morning. HELP! It hurts just to sit here and type.

Anyone have any experience with something like this? I'm thinking maybe I pulled a muscle or something but don't know how I did it. Should I go to a doctor or just take Advil (which doesn't seem to be helping) until it goes away?

64muscl 07-07-2006 09:32 AM

Back Pain

Originally Posted by Mecom Racer
I was getting ready to wash my car yesterday evening and without lifting anything or any sudden moves, my back went out. I couldn't move for a couple minutes, then finally made my way to the couch. It feels like someone stuck a knife in my back around 3" up from the bottom of my spine on my left side, just over the hip bone. Every time I move, lean, step, anything, it feels like the knife is twisting and I lose my breath. What the hell happened to me?! I've never had back problems before. I had to have my wife help dress me and put my socks and shoes on this morning. HELP! It hurts just to sit here and type.

Anyone have any experience with something like this? I'm thinking maybe I pulled a muscle or something but don't know how I did it. Should I go to a doctor or just take Advil (which doesn't seem to be helping) until it goes away?

It sound to me like your pelvis shifted, what I mean is your Pelvis Bone is out of alignment with your spine and you are now pinching nerves in your spinal column. I have that problem with my back and if I get as bad as you sound I go to a Chiropractor and get a Massage and get my back adjusted, then I am OK. Hope this helps.

Good Luck

64 muscl

Grey Ghost 07-07-2006 09:37 AM

Two things come to mind. I've had similar problems. I was sitting on the floor putting a computer desk together one time. Twisted the wrong way and WHAM ! I couldn't move for a couple of days. It is probably inflammed and you need to put an ice pack on it. NOT HEAT ! Ice reduces inflamation.

Kidney stone...I've had a few of them.
Its when pain turns professional !

Mecom Racer 07-07-2006 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by 64muscl
It sound to me like your pelvis shifted, what I mean is your Pelvis Bone is out of alignment with your spine and you are now pinching nerves in your spinal column. I have that problem with my back and if I get as bad as you sound I go to a Chiropractor and get a Massage and get my back adjusted, then I am OK. Hope this helps.

Good Luck

64 muscl

I do seem to be a bit crooked. My wife is calling her chiropractor this morning but I'm a sceptic and figure any chiropractor will tell you that you need their services. At this point I'll try anything though.

SWCDuke 07-07-2006 09:56 AM

Been there done that. You either stained a muscle or have a herniated disk. If the pain goes away within three days or so it's probably just a muscle strain. If not it might be a herniated disk in which case you should be evaluated by the best orthopaedic clinic in your area.

Based on your report my suspicion is you have a disk problem.

I had back problems starting in my early twenties and had a couple of severe episodes in my mid-forties. I finally went to the Kerlan-Jobe clinic in LA and wanted them to operate - whatever it took to get my life back.

The docs explained the problem to me (herniated disk) and referred me to a physical therapist who got my back in shape and taught me how to maintain my back, and I have had nothing but minor back pain ever since with less as the years pass.

Prior to going to Kerlan-Jobe I saw a chiropractor for awhile, but when I kept asking him how we could get me to the point where I could maintain my back on my own, he basically said you just keep coming back to see me. TILT! I had no interest in becoming an annuity for a chiropractor.

The orthopaedic docs an PTs will get you back in shape and teach you how to take care of your back. Their objective is to "cure" you, not turn you into a steady income stream. They have plenty of work and consider surgery only as a last resort if everything else fails. They are not "knife happy" - just the opposite, in fact.

Also of note is that my doc said the "forties is the decade of back pain. I have patients in their sixties whose backs are in worse shape than yours, but they have less pain".

In the morning I do a couple of minutes of stretching exercises to "wake my back up" as it's always a little stiff in the moring, which is normal, and I also do some stretching before I do any lifting or work that involves bending and twisting - like washing the car!


Mecom Racer 07-07-2006 10:04 AM

My intuition is telling me it isn't a disk problem because the pain is more on my left above the hip joint bone with searing pain at certain movements which tells me it's more of a pinched nerve thing. I don't know... I think I'm going to go to a doctor today so I don't have to suffer over the weekend. Maybe at least I'll get some serious pain killers to tide me over.

swissie 07-07-2006 10:10 AM

Like Duke I suffer from a herniated disc since my early twenties. And as always, Duke is right:thumbs:

But I have to add that it's good to have a gifted chiropractor handy. From time to time he can straighten me out after I have suffered one of those sudden 'attacks' (usually originating from a sudden move, draft or cold weather) .

66BB 07-07-2006 10:10 AM

What a forum, great Vette info and answers and even medical advice!!!!

3 or 4 Advil a couple of times a day and a few days of rest works for me everytime.

Good luck, hope it's nothing more serious than a strain.

dkleather 07-07-2006 10:39 AM

Been there a few times myself! Try this: lay on the floor on your back with your knees bent and feet as flat as you can to the floor. Hands behind your head. Take deep breaths and force the small of your back as far downward to the floor as you can and hold there for the count of ten (or more). Relax and continue this for awhile. I'm no doctor but this helps to give me some relief for a time. See a good chiropractor if you don't improve in a day or so and ice it. (I've walked into the chiropractor's office the crooked little man with a cane and exited walking normally!!) Even went to Carlisle once with an icepack and needing help getting in and out of car but hobbled around for two days anyway. :thumbs: :cheers:

Mild2Wild 07-07-2006 10:51 AM

Back pain,lol..
Here is one of my x rays.
How about 30 years of back pain.Pain to the point your leg falls asleep on you.Pain to the point you walk hinged.And you look like something is very wrong with you...Thats when I new I needed help...Could not put it off any longer..
They said (and I went to 5 diff,doctors because I trusted none!!)if you do not get cut on you will have a bladder bag strapped to your side for the rest of your life, because you are fixen to loose all bladder control if you do not get your back fixed..Pain to the point you are almost at putting a gun to your head.I know abit about back pain I hate to say.
Could not even touch my right foot for half a year or more.I could not put freaking socks on as you.My wife helped dressme like a little kid at one point befor I had surgery.God bless her!!She is what kept me going.Well kids to..
This was all cause by 2 blown disc,and disc degenitive?and other fun crap.Disc was to far gone to just get them trimmed.

I have done construction for years.Build my own home.Have just out did what my body was made to do.Well now I paid the price.
You need to bend not lean to pick items up.

I was so use to my back befor this surgery I hand a handle on it some what.Good days and bad.Tell almost 2 years ago.I had no way what so ever any handle on anything..Now it hurts like hell 100% of the time.Hips feels like the doc took a chunk of bone off it still.He did for the graph.My scar is about 10" long and a perfect straight little thin line.I found the best doctor in the state of Florida.I was in the hospital for a week.Had this cool drain pump hooked up to my back to drain I guess not need blood and fluids.Had a morphine? pump I hit the button ever 15 minutes? I forget how often they had said to hit it??I guess I was to messed up on the drug to remember.Also they rap your legs in this blow up bag looking pair of pants.I guess it makes the blood go to your legs?It is all kinda a big bluuurr because of the meds while in the hospital.

I would NEVER go to a chiropractor!! Never!! If the disc is bulging you need a MRI to see it.They can fix that in about a hour surgery and home the same day.They just trim the disc.If you put if off for years as I did ,it can and will block the nereves and then after a point in time with no blood flow,,they die..You do not want that..

Befor my surgery when it was hurtng I would take it easy,bed rest for 2 days and it felt alot better.I would do that if I was you.You may have just pulled something?

My doc is mad at me because I told him for the 110,000.00 in surgery/doc./hosp. bills I feel like hell! He said I will not know the out come for a year.That it will not just go away overnight.. Its been about 4 months?Still hurts like hell!

Good luck!


Mild2Wild 07-07-2006 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by Mecom Racer
My intuition is telling me it isn't a disk problem because the pain is more on my left above the hip joint bone with searing pain at certain movements which tells me it's more of a pinched nerve thing. I don't know... I think I'm going to go to a doctor today so I don't have to suffer over the weekend. Maybe at least I'll get some serious pain killers to tide me over.

Lay flat and do a leg lift.One leg at a time real slow..If you can lift your leg without pain in lower back,I would say lower back is fine.The doc will have you stand straight up and lean forward as far as you can to touch you feet,without bending your knees.If you lean to one side that tells them the side that has troubles in your lower back.And so on.

Some here have had good luck with a chiropractor,that is great.That means they do not have blown disc. or it would not help the pain..

You had said it felt like a knife sticking in your back.I always said it felt like a standard screw driver in my back and some one was twisting it and spreading the verts apart..Thats how it felt early on..
Fun stuff,lol...kidding of course!!

abedford 07-07-2006 11:03 AM

Go see a doctor. Today. I'll take my chances with Advil and ice packs for headaches, pulled hamstrings, and things like that. Severe back pain warrants an immediate trip to the doctor.

Good grief, Ross - YIKES :eek: !

VG 07-07-2006 11:13 AM

Been threre.
Been there- Done that.
Go to a Chiropractor.

An inversion table helps me sometimes.


ghostrider20 07-07-2006 11:21 AM

Call your GP and have him give you a script of (Bextra/Baxtra).

It does wonders for me, take it at night and after one night my back is tollerable, and after 2 nights, it is almost gone.

I think it is an anti-inflametory, helps you relax your back.


Mecom Racer 07-07-2006 11:32 AM

Okay. Thanks everyone.

I'm off to the doctor now. I'll report later. :ack:

7vettes 07-07-2006 11:54 AM

My story would be too long to go into here, with much detail, so I'll try and summarize.

First back pain was 30 years ago, affecting the Sciatic Nerve (which doesn't sound like your problem). On the recommendation of one of my employees, I reluctantly went to a Chiropractor who got rid of my Sciatica in 3 visits, and it hasn't bothered me much at all since.

But I have been bothered by Lumbar pain (which could be your problem) as well as occasional severe lower back spasms. My DC could solve the lumbar with an adjustment and eliminate the spasms with a combination of ultrasound treatment and Interferential Stimulation, which is when they place electric pads in proximity to the painful area and send a low-level current into the deep tissue.

Before I ever visited a Chiropractor I was a real skeptic, but have been a firm believer ever since. But I also discovered there are many different methods of Chiropractic treatment, often determined by where the DC studied.

The method that works for me is called the Diversified Method, as taught at the Palmer Institute, and others.

A method that is a total waste of time and money, IMO, is the Activator Method which uses a percussion-type tool to deliver a high impact blow to a specific area.

At the present time I'm visiting a DC because of Plantar Faciitis in my left foot and he's getting that very painful problem under control.

The various back pains can be caused by any number of things, but the march of time is usually the common denominator. Even when you think you're in "great shape", ol' Mother Nature & Father Time can slam you hard.

65air_coupe 07-07-2006 12:30 PM

I'm just getting over being out of commission from the same problem myself and know exactly the pain you feel. I agree with Duke too and wouldn't bother with chiropractic. Had gone that route many years ago for a neck problem and finally came to the conclusion that not only was it not helping over the long term, but there was potential to worsen the problem. Not saying there's not times or people it can't help, but it won't be me.

Your problem sounds like a pinched nerve and resulting muscles spasms, and unfortunately that's often the result of a ruptured or bulging disc or similar issue. Best wishes to you for relief from the pain.

SWCDuke 07-07-2006 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by Mecom Racer
My intuition is telling me it isn't a disk problem because the pain is more on my left above the hip joint bone with searing pain at certain movements which tells me it's more of a pinched nerve thing. I don't know... I think I'm going to go to a doctor today so I don't have to suffer over the weekend. Maybe at least I'll get some serious pain killers to tide me over.

You're kidding yourself! "Pinched nerves" are caused by a herniated disk (mine was L4/L5). The disk develops a bulge on the inside surface, which impinges on the nerves in the spinal cord. This can cause numbness and shooting pains in the legs, but not always.

Don't know what kind of medical plan you have, but your objective should be to be evaluated by the best spinal orthopaedic doc within your reach.

Kerlan-Jobe is a world renowned orthopeadic clinic. Pro athetic teams send their injured guys there from all over the country and world, and luckily for me they are ten miles from my house.

My initial evaluation was done by two docs including the head back "guru" and took about 45 minutes. The charge was only about $150!

What really ends up costing is the PT - about 2-3 grand in my case, but PT is a lot less risky and cheaper than surgury, and it's cheaper than going to a chiropractor for the rest of your life, because the PTs actually fix the problem and train you to better care for your back on your own.

My dad always admonished me "lift with your legs, not your back", but did I listen... NO!... and paid the price.

Kerlan-Jobe also put me back together from a couple of other injuries - tennis elbow (I used to play a lot of tennis.) and a knee blowout playing football. I'm now officially retired from tennis and football.

The only thing that hasn't hurt me is racing cars and riding motorcycles. :)


kenEDMUNDS 07-07-2006 02:24 PM

The same thing happened to me at the meet at Old Town in January. I popped three 800 mg advil at 9 am, it knocked me out for a couple of hours sitting upright in my truck and at 4 pm I was walking around the show field. Just dumb luck I know but my Doctor was with me and said the advil would not hurt me. He was right.

Eddie Lewis 07-07-2006 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by SWCDuke
You're kidding yourself! "Pinched nerves" are caused by a herniated disk (mine was L4/L5). The disk develops a bulge on the inside surface, which impinges on the nerves in the spinal cord. This can cause numbness and shooting pains in the legs, but not always.

Don't know what kind of medical plan you have, but your objective should be to be evaluated by the best spinal orthopaedic doc within your reach.

Kerlan-Jobe is a world renowned orthopeadic clinic. Pro athetic teams send their injured guys there from all over the country and world, and luckily for me they are ten miles from my house.

My initial evaluation was done by two docs including the head back "guru" and took about 45 minutes. The charge was only about $150!

What really ends up costing is the PT - about 2-3 grand in my case, but PT is a lot less risky and cheaper than surgury, and it's cheaper than going to a chiropractor for the rest of your life, because the PTs actually fix the problem and train you to better care for your back on your own.

My dad always admonished me "lift with your legs, not your back", but did I listen... NO!... and paid the price.

Kerlan-Jobe also put me back together from a couple of other injuries - tennis elbow (I used to play a lot of tennis.) and a knee blowout playing football. I'm now officially retired from tennis and football.

The only thing that hasn't hurt me is racing cars and riding motorcycles. :)


I recently was diagnosed with a L4/L5 herniated disc that was pinching my sciatic nerve. I went to a nuerosurgeon, who gave me the option of surgery or a computerized machine called the "DRX 9000" which decompresses the spine by actually stretching the back until the herniated disc pops back in, away from the sciatic nerve. I had twenty sessions on the machine, each one being a little stronger of a stretch. Now I am completely without pain. IT WORKED!!!:cheers:

rj8806 07-07-2006 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by Mild2Wild
Back pain,lol..
Here is one of my x rays.
How about 30 years of back pain.Pain to the point your leg falls asleep on you.Pain to the point you walk hinged.And you look like something is very wrong with you...Thats when I new I needed help...Could not put it off any longer..
They said (and I went to 5 diff,doctors because I trusted none!!)if you do not get cut on you will have a bladder bag strapped to your side for the rest of your life, because you are fixen to loose all bladder control if you do not get your back fixed..Pain to the point you are almost at putting a gun to your head.I know abit about back pain I hate to say.
Could not even touch my right foot for half a year or more.I could not put freaking socks on as you.My wife helped dressme like a little kid at one point befor I had surgery.God bless her!!She is what kept me going.Well kids to..
This was all cause by 2 blown disc,and disc degenitive?and other fun crap.Disc was to far gone to just get them trimmed.

I have done construction for years.Build my own home.Have just out did what my body was made to do.Well now I paid the price.
You need to bend not lean to pick items up.

I was so use to my back befor this surgery I hand a handle on it some what.Good days and bad.Tell almost 2 years ago.I had no way what so ever any handle on anything..Now it hurts like hell 100% of the time.Hips feels like the doc took a chunk of bone off it still.He did for the graph.My scar is about 10" long and a perfect straight little thin line.I found the best doctor in the state of Florida.I was in the hospital for a week.Had this cool drain pump hooked up to my back to drain I guess not need blood and fluids.Had a morphine? pump I hit the button ever 15 minutes? I forget how often they had said to hit it??I guess I was to messed up on the drug to remember.Also they rap your legs in this blow up bag looking pair of pants.I guess it makes the blood go to your legs?It is all kinda a big bluuurr because of the meds while in the hospital.

I would NEVER go to a chiropractor!! Never!! If the disc is bulging you need a MRI to see it.They can fix that in about a hour surgery and home the same day.They just trim the disc.If you put if off for years as I did ,it can and will block the nereves and then after a point in time with no blood flow,,they die..You do not want that..

Befor my surgery when it was hurtng I would take it easy,bed rest for 2 days and it felt alot better.I would do that if I was you.You may have just pulled something?

My doc is mad at me because I told him for the 110,000.00 in surgery/doc./hosp. bills I feel like hell! He said I will not know the out come for a year.That it will not just go away overnight.. Its been about 4 months?Still hurts like hell!

Good luck!


I got news for you Ross. I too have had the same problems my whole life and last summer resorted to back surgery to "fix" a blown disc at the L5/S1. I now have 2 titanium screws in my back and it has been exactly 1 year to the day today and I can tell you for me, the pain has not gone away as expected. Yes, it fixed part of the problem(the sciatatic? nerve that was pinched between the vertabrea) but the lower lumbar pain is still there. Before the surgery, I spent 8 months going to PT, countless tries at Chiropractors and finally an orthopedic. In the end I was referred to an outstanding nuerologist who performed the surgery at U of Tenn. He forewarned me upfront that the probability of 100% correction was slim but that some relief was guaranteed. Even though I still have daily back pain, I would recommend this to anyone with the same diagnosis.
My wife works for a chiropractor and believes in them completely. Me, I am skeptical at best. In fairness, my back was too far gone for anything but surgery but I would still rather take advil and bed rest verses a chiropractor.
Good luck with your recovery:thumbs:

RestoVette 07-07-2006 05:05 PM

Have also been there.....done that. I worked in the family construction business until I graduated from college, and abused my back with heavy lifting, shoveling, riding crawler tractors, etc. A few years later (about 40 years ago) my back suddenly went out so bad that I had to roll out of bed and crawl to the bathroom......couldn't even get in and out of the car by myself when I went to the doctor. The doctor told me that the key to minimizing back problems is having strong abdominal muscles. He gave me a pamphlet of back exercises and told me to come back in a couple weeks for x-rays if the problem didn't go away. I never had to go back. I started the simple exercises the next morning, and within a few days my back pain was gone. Since that time I've done about 2 minutes of the exercises every morning before I get out of bed. I've hurt my back a number of times since, but have always been able to get it back in shape quickly by doing additional exercises. The simple exercises I do while still in bed every morning are:

While lying on your back, grab one knee and pull it slowly as far as you can towards your chest (this stretches out your spinal column), hold a few seconds, then straighten your knee so you leg is straight up and then let the straightened leg down slowly (this builds up your stomach muscles). Repeat 5 times and then do 5 of the same reps with the other leg.

Then while still lying on your back, put your hands beside your hips and with one leg do 25 locked knee leg lifts (straight up, down, straight up, down, etc), then repeat 25 locked knee leg lifts with the other leg. Again, this exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.

This entire exercise routine takes only 2-3 minutes per day, and it's always worked for me.:)

A few other hints from the pamphlet. The vertebrae have more of a tendency to pinch nerves if your back is bent backwards.....and things you can do to keep your back bent forwards are: When standing, try to keep one knee bent, and if possible, one foot on a foot rest or riser....this rotates the hips back and bends the back forwards. (This is why it's more comfortable to stand at a bar with your foot on a foot rail.) When driving, keep your seat as low and as far forward as possible.....again, this rotates the hips back and bends the back forwards. When sitting at a desk, keep your chair adjusted low and/or have your feet on a foot rest...........again, this rotates the hips back and bends the back forwards. When you sleep, sleep on your back, and if necessary, put a pillow under your knees..........again, this rotates the hips back and bends the back forwards.

If you do hurt your back and need immediate relief, bend your knees, balance on the balls of your feet, sit on your heels, and lean forward for a few minutes. This will stretch out your back and separate the vertebrae that my be pinching nerves.

Walking is another simple thing that has helped me to get my back into shape when it goes out. My wife and I have walked at least 2 miles a day for many years, and we both feel it does a lot to loosen up tight back muscles.

Oh, and one more thing. I've found that the best care for sore muscles is to first use heat packs or pads on the localized area to loosen the muscles....then use ice packs to minimize swelling.

Long, but HTH. :)

65air_coupe 07-07-2006 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by RestoVette
Have also been there.....done that. ~snip~ The doctor told me that the key to minimizing back problems is having strong abdominal muscles. ~snip~ Long, but HTH. :)

And that's the crux of it! Poor muscle tone (and overweight) can doom you to years of pain. Stay in shape or pay the price!

AmericanPie 07-07-2006 06:31 PM

The best exercise I've found for keeping toned and avoiding back pain (and other musculoskeletal pain) is swimming.

In my late 20s I experienced a herniated disc at L5/S1, which caused me searing sciatic pain I'll never forget. Over a six month period I visited a couple of good neurosurgeons, several orthopaedic docs, and about a half-dozen chiropractors including the famous Gonstead Clinic in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin. A couple of these guys told me I'd be in pain the rest if my life (NOT what you want to hear, especially when you're a strapping dude under 30). Dr. Cox at Gonstead was the only one who gave me anything resembling relief, but ultimately it was swimming that I credit for my cure.

Determined to take charge of the issue, I went to the local YMCA and enrolled in an adult swim class. I began to swim every day...not for speed, but for endurance and overall fitness. There's a big difference. Over a period of several months after beginning this regimen, my back pain gradually subsided and eventually disappeared.

That was over 20 years ago. I've been swimming laps ever since (preferably outdoors, for the fresh air and sun), and do 1.5 miles every other day. I heartily recommend it to all my fellow aging gearheads.

LouieM 07-07-2006 07:01 PM

I too am very familiar with back pain, esp. lower back pain. As a geologist who's carried backpacks full of rocks all over the Arctic for
30+ years, and spent all day bent over while collecting some neat fossil in icy weather, I've experienced more back pain than average.

Duke's likely right for a long-term solution -- everyone's back seems to be just a bit different -- but for now get yourself to a good chiropractor or acupuncturist, or both. They can alleviate back pain almost immediately, sometimes in one visit. I don't actually "believe" in actupuncture, since I'm a scientist and haven't heard a rational explanation of how it works. However, back in the early 80s I had an upper back/ left arm pain that endured for 4 months with no relief, and I went to an acupuncturist in desperation. I'd been to every kind of normal and off-beat specialist to no avail. After 20 minutes of being stuck with needles, the pain went completely away! It was like a miracle. I've since seen acupuncturists now and then.

Massage can also work wonders. A couple of years ago I flew from California east to Siberia, 20 hours in the the air, with stops. By the time I got there I was a cripple, could hardly stand up. A Russian friend found a massage therapist in that small city who worked me over very vigorously for about half an hour and -- Ta-da! -- I was cured. I then want to an isolated tent camp 150 miles from anywhere, with there Russians, for a whole month of collecting and carrying rocks, hiking long distances with heavy packs, etc., and had no further problems.

Regular exercise keeps your body in tune. Just as cars rot from inactivity, people do too. When I'm diligent about going to the YMCA around 3 times a week for about an hour, I don't get back problems and generally feel better, sleep better, etc. If I skip regular exercise I pay for it, sometimes with back pain.

Call for a chiropractor, massage therapist or acupuncturist NOW and get some relief and maybe a cure. I just got a pang of guilt and I'm off to the Y. Let us know how the treatment(s) went. Call someone NOW!


Paul L 07-07-2006 07:15 PM

There has been excellent advice here. I am a sufferer also and cannot add much. But do not combine Advil/Tylenol/Ibuprofen with alcohol. Liver problems can ensue.

Mecom Racer 07-07-2006 07:17 PM


I went to my wife's chiropractor. I hobbled in like an old man all crooked. They say they saw my predicament right away and massaged the area first, saying they could feel the "knot". Apparently I strained a muscle group between my spine and hip where they meet and rotate. Then she made one adjustment (crunch!) which seemed to release some pressure and put me on the table with the deep penetrating electronic heat machine for a while. I walked out of there standing straighter and felt some relief. I'm laying around now, heating and resting it. I was actually just recently able to put my shoes on and tie them myself. Boy... the things you take for granted. I think I'm on a road to recovery. Thanks for all the advice everyone. It's a great forum for anything, not just Corvettes.

Paul L 07-07-2006 07:31 PM

Good news!

MarvBarrish 07-07-2006 07:41 PM

My Back goes out on me on a regular basis. Being self employed motivates me to get up and go to work anyways. I've found that Theragram heat wrap belts, that you can buy at any drug store are a tremendous help! I will put these on and keep them on 24 hours a day for several days in a row and this will usaully get me over the hump of this back out period. Prior to using these belts I would be in pain for weeks. I know there are those that will say to use ice instead of heat, but all I can say that these help me tremendously and I highly recommend them. Regards, Marv

korvettekris 07-07-2006 07:52 PM

Wow! A lot of great advice and I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. I'm 51 and after several episodes over the years of my back going out with two bulging discs and suffering excruciating pain I went to a new doctor who advised me to stretch constantly, lose about 20 lbs. and read a book by an Aussie named Robin McKenzie titled "7 Steps To A Pain-Free Life". I can honestly say that following the excercises in the book has changed my life. The book contains similar stretches/excercises that have already been posted on this thread. Good daily posture, whether standing, walking or sitting is highly recommended. For driving a car he recommends putting the seat at the highest possible setting to achieve a position where your knees are equal or preferably lower than your hips. I personally do about 30 reverse pushups every day where I lay flat on the floor with my pelvis glued to the floor and arch my back as far back as possible while lifting off of the floor. Everyone is different and you should definitely see trained professionals but I highly recommend the book. Having a very compassionate wife who excels in back massage doesn't hurt either. Best of luck!

LouieM 07-07-2006 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by Mecom Racer

I went to my wife's chiropractor. I hobbled in like an old man all crooked. They say they saw my predicament right away and massaged the area first, saying they could feel the "knot". Apparently I strained a muscle group between my spine and hip where they meet and rotate. Then she made one adjustment (crunch!) which seemed to release some pressure and put me on the table with the deep penetrating electronic heat machine for a while. I walked out of there standing straighter and felt some relief. I'm laying around now, heating and resting it. I was actually just recently able to put my shoes on and tie them myself. Boy... the things you take for granted. I think I'm on a road to recovery. Thanks for all the advice everyone. It's a great forum for anything, not just Corvettes.

Great to hear that you've already had some pain relief! :thumbs:

Mecom Racer 07-07-2006 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by LouieM
Great to hear that you've already had some pain relief! :thumbs:

Yea, and my wife was extremely relieved to hear that I was able to go the bathroom by myself. She was afraid earlier that she might have to wipe my ass if I didn't get better soon. Thankfully she dodged the bullet on that one and boy am I glad too! I'm too young for that. :nono:

Dennis Beck 07-07-2006 09:04 PM

You have pinched the sciatic nerve in your back. Read this

grizzlyalan 07-07-2006 11:22 PM

I know how you are feeling. Been there many times. Go to your GP and get some muscle relaxer and something for enflamation then rest for a couple of days. then go see a chiropractor they can adjust you better if you are not so tight. If none of this helps get an MRI and diagnosis, then weigh your options. I had 3 buldged discs in my neck about 5 years ago c1-c2, c4-c5, c6-c7 EXTREME head pain and 50-75% strength loss in both arms. Went to an ortopedic surgeon, he wanted to remove the discs and fuse the vertibrae and then screw a titanium plate to the bone. didn't like that option so I went to a neurosurgeon and he just wanted to use pain therapy, cortisone shots and pain meds. That was not an option for me as I cannot work under the influence of drugs, 0 tolorence at my job. Plus I work on engines larger than most peoples houses, have to have a clear head when removing a 4000 pound piston and rod. My chiropractor finally put me onto a doctor in Thousand Oaks Ca who does endoscopic surgery on the spine. I sent him my x-rays and MRI and he gave me a 95%chance of full recovery. So I set an appointment and flew to Ca. on a Tue. morn my app. was tue afternoon. He ran some tests and set up another MRI for Wed and the did surgery thur. I went in at 10:30 thru. morn and was in recovery by Noon and was in town eating lunch by 2:00 that afternoon. The only sign that I had any thing done to me was 2 little curad bandaids on my throat. I went back for my followup exam thur. eve 7:30 pm and he released me to go home. I had to wear a soft collar till I got home on Sat. and was off work for only 3 1/2 months. I've been swinging 20 pound sledge hammers and running 1 1/2" impact wrenches ever since. If you or anyone reading this are interested , My doctors name is John C Chiu His webb address is http://www.spinecenter.comHope you get to feeling better. Alan

gilbybarr 07-07-2006 11:27 PM

I have had a back that goes out on me for 30 years or so.....about once per year I am good for a doozie...just goes out....feels like rubber and takes your breath away, bent over and crooked from the front view as well. A Chiropractor can help....a good one that is into true manipulation and relief to snap you back into position. My hip pops out when it hits me. They will manipulate you, then do the electric massage thing to release the siezed up muscles that are "protecting your back from pain". I am a sceptic too...but they can help. Trick is not to get sucked in by some of them that try to convince you that chiropractic can solve everything from the common cold to GERD. And avoid getting sucked into the "come back weekly routine".

dunney 07-08-2006 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by Mecom Racer
I was getting ready to wash my car yesterday evening and without lifting anything or any sudden moves, my back went out. I couldn't move for a couple minutes, then finally made my way to the couch. It feels like someone stuck a knife in my back around 3" up from the bottom of my spine on my left side, just over the hip bone. Every time I move, lean, step, anything, it feels like the knife is twisting and I lose my breath. What the hell happened to me?! I've never had back problems before. I had to have my wife help dress me and put my socks and shoes on this morning. HELP! It hurts just to sit here and type.

Anyone have any experience with something like this? I'm thinking maybe I pulled a muscle or something but don't know how I did it. Should I go to a doctor or just take Advil (which doesn't seem to be helping) until it goes away?

It depends on what you want hear - what I would do, or what you should do.

If it was me, overdose on Aleve, and ice the crap out of it. I had this problem with my knee recently, and it worked like a charm.

Although, I'm only 33, so take that with some a few grains of epsom salts.

The right thing to do is see your PHP. Of course, when do we ever do the right thing?

And how do you get hurt getting ready to wash a car? You should see my fat ass under the dash of mine now - I can't believe I haven't lost a vertebrae yet.:rolleyes:

crw41 07-08-2006 01:04 AM

As a CF member (MD by profession) I will offer some factual information on back pain. However, I have to state some disclaimers for my own protection.

________________________________________ ___________

1. This is not medical advice
2. I have no advice regarding this CF member's condition
3. This information is available in many readily availble sources such as the internet, magazines, and newspapers

________________________________________ ____________

1. Most cases of back pain are benign and are self limited. Unless there is a history of trauma or neurologic complaints such as acute weakness or loss of bladder or bowel function things like x-rays, CT, and MRI are not indicated unless the complaint lasts more than 6 weeks.

2. Most cases resolve on their own. Many people find things like tylenol, advil, and muscle relaxers helpful. A short course of narcotics is helpful for comfort. Physiocal therapy or chiropractic care is helpful for some people.

3. Light activity, not complete bed rest is encouraged.

4. Red flags (require investigation with blood work and imaging)
- fever
- cancer in your medical history
- acute weakness (foot drop etc)

________________________________________ ___________________________________

Don't mean to seem defensive or paranoid, but the reality of being a doc in 2006:

- malpractice has risen from $8,000/year to $80,000 inn the last 7 years
- alot of us get sued pretty often (1 out of every 6 physicians per year)
- income in today's dollars 50% less than it was 10 years ago, drops every year
- watch TV from 9am to 3 pm and count the number of attorney commercials
- I'm done at 50, next "profession" will be a high quality dog kennel
- 110 am, I am at work right now

drd1vette 07-08-2006 02:07 AM

Same disclaimers as crw41. Sorry to hear about your problem. As a practicing Chiropractor for twenty years, I can tell you to go see your Chiropractor. We have thousands of hours training. We studied the same medical textbooks, did the same examinations (except surgical rounds and proscribing medication which I will refer to a pain management MD).

Do not take NSAIDS Advil, Motrin, etc. as they have anticoagulant properties and will prolonge or worsen your condition. Use ice until you can get in the DC's office.

Your skepticism is your worst enemy. The faster you get adjusted the faster your body will begin the healing process. Also, I do not think you have a herniated disk as you do not mention any radiaitng symptomotolgy or whether it is sensory or motor in nature ie; foot drop or loss of ability to walk or difficulty with bowel or bladder. It could simply be a misaligned Sacro-Iliac joint (SI joint) or a facet syndrome with concurrent strain/sprain. Your doctor will be able to tell with ortho/neurological testing.

I hope I didn't come across as rude but you really need to get in the 21st century as did our cars and technology. As with any science, giving the adjustment is the art component. Please ask your Chiropractor to give you some brochures on the subject. You need some educating with your treatment. Understanding will greatly improve your appreciation of what is going on inside your body. Why do you think I treat professional athletes? Because they already know the benefits of care.

I adjust my friends here only to have them come back and beat me on the track. Bittersweet rewards but worth every. I will continue to help people until my last days.

Once you're feeling better, if you ever have a question, email me. I am the SWCDuke and the JohnZ of Chiropractic.
Take care, Dr. Dan:thumbs:
BTW, I delivered my own two sons at the hospital with the OB/GYN sitting there holding the wife's hand. You should've seen the faces on the nurses when they would walk in:D

CJS 07-08-2006 06:32 AM

You can diagnose your own self. Go take a very hot shower, with lots of heat on the bad back area. If it is a "pulled" or strained muscle, it will loosen up and you will be pretty free to move and bend just fine at least while still in the shower. Then it will retighten up in 20 to 30 minutes and you will revert back to the way you were.
-----If this is the case, then do as the medical doctor (crw41) said, lots of Ibuphropen (Advil), and moderate, light activity and rest. It will cure itself in 3 to 5 days.
-----If this is not the case you have a greater problem. Go to a sports medicine real doctor and let him diagnose it.
-----Do not ever have surgury unless you are bedridden for at least a year and it is your last hope.
-----Sorry but Chiropractors will not usually help. A pulled muscle will only heal so fast no matter what anyone does or says. There is no such thing as "adjustment" in the real world. Having said this, try one out once or twice and see for yourself. You will not be any better long term by what he does. Some of his deep ultra sonic massage type machines can provide some pain relief however.
-----Hope this helps. Oh, one more thing, your back went out because of nervous tension. You were probably thinking of something unpleasant, and that caused your back muscles to spasm and go into a cramp.

Hope this helps! It worked for me. :cheers:

Grey Ghost 07-08-2006 10:08 AM

I've had back issues since my early 20's also. I think riding and jumping motorcycles as a kid, heavy lifting jobs, etc...did a number on my back. One of the first really bad episodes I went to a GP. He sent me to a physical therapist. The PT gave me a lumbar support pillow for the car, and a series of exercises much like what others have explained. I had another episode later on. I went to a chiropracter. No offense to Dr. Dan, but I thought chiro's were bogus. Full ignorance on my part, I didn't realize the amount and quality of training they went through, like Dr. Dan explained. The chiro took x-rays, showed them to me, and pretty much said that jelly like stuff (okay, he didn't say jelly stuff, :D but I can't remember what its called) was gone and the bones are rubbing on the nerves. He did one adjustment and said there is really nothing he can do for me, except keep my spine in alignment. I REALLY RESPECTED HIM FOR TELLING ME THERE WAS NOTHING HE COULD DO. He really changed my opinion about chiropracters. He believes in and follows the oath like Dr. Dan. :thumbs:

kenEDMUNDS 07-08-2006 11:01 AM

-----Sorry but Chiropractors will not usually help. A pulled muscle will only heal so fast no matter what anyone does or says. There is no such thing as "adjustment" in the real world. Having said this, try one out once or twice and see for yourself. You will not be any better long term by what he does. Some of his deep ultra sonic massage type machines can provide some pain relief however.
Wrong! Every few years when my hip goes out I hobble into the chiropractor walking sideways. Ultrasound massage and an adjustment and i walk out upright. You cannot ignore empirical evidence whether you think chiropractors are quacks or not.

63C2splitter 07-08-2006 11:38 AM

As a CF member (Aerospace Engineer by profession) I will offer some information on pain. However, I have to state some disclaimers for my own protection. :D (this is a joke, no offense intended to the Dr's that have responded to this thread with good advice)

1. This is not medical advice
2. I have no advice regarding this CF member's condition
3. This information is available in many readily availble sources such as the internet, magazines, and newspapers

Getting old sucks! Many pains (not limited to the back) occur for unknown reasons. I have been to MDs and Chiropractors in the past - both provided help. The therapy I received from the Chiropractor provided relief of much of the pain, however, due to my history of injuries (back injury in Helcopter crash - 1971), I always consult an Orthopedic surgeon with any back related issues prior to follow-on therapy. Hope your back pain goes away quickly. :cheers:


crw41 07-08-2006 01:23 PM

I can laugh at that too. But, believe it or not, even if I casually advise someone about thier condition - I have established a professional relationship with that person.:nono:

Lot's of professionals have been successfully sued for things like:

- writing a presciptions for a friend (then there was a problem)
- telephone advise
- curbside consults

Unlike Corvette mechanics, there is no tolerance for any bad outcome (even if no one's at fault).:bs

Patient's should have the right to sue. However, it's a 1 way street. Most suits are not of any merit (75%). These result in an average of $50,000 legal fees/case for a doc to defend himself. When the courts decide that you did nothing wrong, you're not only out your $50K, but you can't get that cost from the party that filed the frivilous suit.

An example would be if I sued a CF member who advised me to drive 55mph all of the time and my engine blew up. Eventually, the case would be thrown out. It would still cost the CF member $300+/hour for an attorney. Once the CF member is cleared, he is out that money he spent in legal fees.

Healthcare is in real trouble:
1. Factory closings, uninsured people - healthcare costs play a big role.
2. Very few docs or patient's are satisfied with today's system.
3. Alot of us would prefer universal healthcare to insure everyone for a basic level of care, get rid of the insurance company manipulation, stop the malpractice mess, and focus healthcare on providing care where it does the most good.

Time for a saturday drive.:thumbs:

firstgear 07-08-2006 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by Mecom Racer

I went to my wife's chiropractor. I hobbled in like an old man all crooked. They say they saw my predicament right away and massaged the area first, saying they could feel the "knot". Apparently I strained a muscle group between my spine and hip where they meet and rotate. Then she made one adjustment (crunch!) which seemed to release some pressure and put me on the table with the deep penetrating electronic heat machine for a while. I walked out of there standing straighter and felt some relief. I'm laying around now, heating and resting it. I was actually just recently able to put my shoes on and tie them myself. Boy... the things you take for granted. I think I'm on a road to recovery. Thanks for all the advice everyone. It's a great forum for anything, not just Corvettes.

I get that same thing from time to time, and when my better 1/2 can twist me up like a pretzel, and she tugs just right, CRUNCH and everything feels instantly better....she massages the area first just like your doc is a miracle how that works...but it just gets out of whack a little and needs to be snapped should be good to go now...

bigcypress 07-08-2006 03:34 PM

i know your pain . i've had similar occurences for last 40 years .i choose to ignore them ,i know it really hurts, and in a week i am better . i've had fewer problems since jogging and useing weight bench [mild weight levels] .use to happen 6 or 7 times a year and now only a couple times a year . good luck p.s. if some one suggests surgery read a lot of info before doing it as it seems to be a BAD choice .

CJS 07-08-2006 04:00 PM

KenE, Like I said in my post try Chiro's for yourself, and see for yourselff! I also said Chiro's can provide some pain relief. If they work for you of course keep on going back! And I am glad they did work for you. But they can't make actual torn muscle damage Heal any faster with an "adjustment" and ultra sound!

sicle 07-08-2006 04:42 PM

Been there
I have not read each comment to this post but here is my 2 cents worth. I have had 3 full ruptures and had very succesful surgery. All wer microdiscectomy's (simply shave off the herniated portion).

A herniation (aka rupture, slipped disc, and more) rarely repairs itself. The disc matter protrudes when there is tear in the wall of the disc...kinda like a jelly doughnut. My doctor described it like trying to put toothpaste back into the tube.

For most people, the problem is muscle related and can be helped with rest and anti-inflammatories followed by a strengthening program.

The key common denominator with herniations is they generally radiate pain and/or numbness down the extremity. The lower back effects legs and the cervical area effects arms.

The absence of the radiating pain is a good sign. I would be willing to bet that you do not have a rupture. Give it some time and you will get better. In the event that it is indeed a rupture, do not fret, you are fixable by a good surgeon and it's a very common, simple procedure. I am proof of that.

Feel free to PM me. Good luck.

BADBIRDCAGE 07-08-2006 09:53 PM

My experience:

I suffered a herniated/ruptured disc at L-5 (that's the bottom one) in 1984. When a disc herniates/ruptures, it collapses and expands both outward and inward. The inward expansion puts pressure on the spinal cord and causes PAIN ! ! !

Went to the local doc-in-the-box who administered an injection of valium to stop the pain of the aggravated sciatic nerve which was his initial diagnosis. The valium shot did NOTHING ! ! !

Went back two days later after bed rest and was immediately referred to an orthepedic surgeon who placed me in Bay General Hospital in Chula Vista, CA. The orthepedic surgeon sent me for a CAT scan. Determined a herniated disc and advised me that 99 per cent of people who think they have one do not. I am in the 1 percentile in this case.

Performed the recommended stretching, twisting, pulling exercises for two weeks at doctor's orders. Nothing but more aggravation on the disc. No relief.

Went back to his office and begged for surgery to correct the condition. Was advised that L-5 is the worst possible position for a disc to go bad as the nerve bundles exit the spinal column there and travel down the legs. Although surgery is usually successful it is extremely risky and does not always relieve the pain even though the disc is successfully removed. (go figure on that one) Spent another four weeks bed rest and physical therapy. STILL NO RELIEF ! ! !

Orthopedic surgeon sent me to an anesthesiologist who did two spinal injections of anabolic steroids to block the nerve. (one at L-5 and one two weeks later at L-4) Six weeks later returned to full law enforcement duty and have been OK since. Finished out a 22 year law enforcement career in 2004. The damaged disc is still there. It is not a cure-all and it does not work for everyone. Was advised that I might need the injections one time, yearly, monthly, etc. No guarantees. I have been lucky.

A chiropractor, a witch doctor, a seance, an accupunturist, a magician can not repair a herniated disc. It is either healthy or it is not.


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