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Erik016 02-11-2010 04:19 PM

Selling car = Hate mail?
Hi guys,
I rencently put my car up on craigslist and listed all the work and parts put into it, on top of that I put all the problems or what is not good on my car. I am selling it under value cause I need the money and people have just been sending me hate mail. These people don't even seem interested and they just are tearing me down :eek:. I was just wondering if any of you guys faced this problem before, Is it a new trend or something?

fugawi 02-11-2010 04:49 PM

IGNORE THEM ! do not respond to them.. they are nothing. if your listing all the problems you are an honest person. best of luck with the sale..:thumbs:

mrvette 02-11-2010 04:58 PM

Eff 'em......I been trying to sell my high dollar home stereo for some time and all I get is tire kickers....and :bs artists....

RF1979C3 02-11-2010 05:27 PM

Ignore them. You get a lot of people looking for something for free on craigslist. I sold an '89 S10 Blazer on there last year. I got a lot of that crap, but I did eventually sell it to somebody. Good luck.

Wilross3 02-11-2010 05:29 PM

Ignore 'em. Craigslist is great if you're trying to sell c**p, but like RF said - seems they all want something for nothing.

10caipirinhas 02-11-2010 05:32 PM


I wish more people selling their cars were like you.

I have been feeling out the local C3 market in my neck of the woods, not quite ready to buy yet so I am not phoning people, just asking a few summary questions in a short e-mail and am absolutely amazed by what people DO NOT KNOW or WILL NOT SAY about the condition of their cars. Personally speaking I wouldn't use CL for selling anything but crap <$100.......

VettePower 02-11-2010 06:42 PM

can you explain what you mean by hate mail??

Budman68 02-11-2010 07:21 PM

I would like to see an example also. Can you copy and paste one of the emails. I get tire kickers and the at home get rich guys. You know "Sorry you have to sell all your belongings to survive" Let me hook you up on a way to make money. yad yad...

schmegeggie 02-11-2010 07:24 PM

You're wasting your time with Craigslist. Post it here in the FS Section, and advertise in with one of the sponsors. It costs a little, but you won't get the BS.
Good Luck with the sale.

dar322 02-11-2010 07:30 PM

maybe add to your post no tire kickers, low ballers, time wasters, lonely people.

jordan89 02-11-2010 08:31 PM

Ignore them. I've had a similar situation before, but just ended up ignoring them.

Erik016 02-11-2010 10:46 PM

Sorry, i would have posted the emails but deleted them this morning after reading them . They were pretty much just talking crap about my licence plate being blanked out, my car being to low of a price for the parts and work put into it and trying to compare it to some other vettes that were not even c3s saying I was asking to high compared to their condition. I think i'm going to take it off craigslist and try somewhere else or keep it. I'm not that desperate for the money, just seeing if there was any takers. Thanks for all the comments, I know i'm not the only one now. My friends have never heard of this before.

hwcoop 02-11-2010 10:56 PM

Sometimes if I don't feel like dealing with the morons i'll just run it through the local auction and set a reasonable reserve & detail it.
Sometimes its worth taking a little less if you want it gone fast and do not want the hassles.:thumbs:

glarior 02-11-2010 11:01 PM

IMO, if you don't have to sell keep it... hehe.

I bought my vette from craigslist. It is an up and down thing. I went and checked out a few vettes that were POS and they wanted way to much them. I am talking about 5-6k for a vettes that needed new engine, tranny, rear, interior, paint.. list goes on and on. The worst part was the ones who you tell them I will be at your house at X time with cash and they say they will be there. You show up and they are like.. oh, I sold it a few hours ago. Happend to me 4 times... 3 times when I drove over 300 miles just to check it out. :ack:

Anyways, craigslist is a great place to buy/sell but there is a lot of BS. Everyone wants the best vette for the least amount of money. I put my motorcycle up for a few months and had a lot of hits but they would offer a few thousand of dollars on something that would bring more money if I traded it in to the dealer. So, ya a lot of BS.

Keep it if you can.. if not just keep trying and only reply to people who seem serious. What you got to lose.... its free to post:thumbs:

Goody 02-12-2010 12:36 AM

Keep it listed there since it is free. Advertise in the other surrounding areas too.

Here are my suggestions:
Post good pictures, not some under exposed crap from a cell phone or something dated from several years ago. You can also add a link to photobucket.

Add a disclaimer stating that it is appreciated if only serious potential buyers were to reply. No tire kickers, wishers and those without funds or permission to buy the car. Offers from offshore places will be ignored as well as those low ballers thinking stuff is on CL because it is supposed to be free.

Do not list your own email or phone as search bots will get ahold of you and the junk will flow for a long time.

Don't sweat the trolls and just delete their crap emails.....or use their email address to sign up for free medical supplies and work from home deals that are just the bomb....:smash:

70 LS1 02-12-2010 01:17 AM

I have my car on craigslist right now and I haven't gotten hate mail. I have had a few strange emails, but I've also had some really nice emails praising my car. Of course I haven't had the one that says "I'll take it", but I'm hopeful. I'm also not in a desperate need to sell it, just want to move it to make room and budget for a new project.

I would keep yours listed and just ignore the bad emails.

Easy Mike 02-12-2010 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by VettePower (Post 1573068157)
can you explain what you mean by hate mail??


Take all of the hate mailers and add them to your friends list on Facebook. You can then get even by sending 19000 Farmville requests to each of them.


HOOAH 02-12-2010 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by dar322 (Post 1573068762)
maybe add to your post no tire kickers, low ballers, time wasters, lonely people.

You have to be careful on CL with what you say. If you appear to be sarcastic, people can block your post by complaining. I cant remember what it's called but it involves clicking on an entry to which if 4 or 5 folks hit the same thing, your add will be blocked from public view.

I sold one of my Harley's last year on CL and recieved allot of the same crap you are getting. My post was blocked :toetap: because I was offering a better deal than what another person also selling a Harley was offering (is one of my assumptions) however I also stated something like "This is not a need to sell situation so the price is firm." The CL central office said I either T'd folks off with that statement or it was a competitor seller that blocked me using 4-5 different personal ID's to log onto CL (appearing to be 4-5 different people). They couldn't tell me exactly why because they don't require a reason when reviewers block a post.

I also recieved allot of junk and phone calls offering to sell it for me in addition to the checks in the mail (sight unseen) scam messages.

I did eventually sell it on CL for my firm listed price but the point being you just have to deal with all of the crap that goes along with it. You also need to request that something unique be put in the subject line for responses because you'll also have allot of electronic generated responses that all say the same thing but nowhere near a legitimate prospective buyers response.

I agree with everyone else, place it on the forum for sale for the best results. Leave it on CL as an added method because "that legitimate person" may eventually come along like with my sale but just get ready to exercise the delete button over and over until that happens.


KTKelly 02-12-2010 02:56 PM

Cl is a funny place to sell stuff....

I've sold a lot of items from my business (Audio Video gear, tools, etc, etc.), have always listed the price as "FIRM", and have always placed "message your contact number and a time to call" in my ads.

A. 1 out of 5 will actually send a contact number.

B. 1 out of 10 will understand what FIRM means.

C. 1 out of 3 will be spam replies with the "need to make some money" BS.

Use an anonymous email to register and just delete the BS replies...:)

Smoking Gun 02-12-2010 04:09 PM

I sold my Harley on CL last July and I still get random e-mails with the exact title of my listing. I wouldn't call it hate mail, most of the time it is a message telling me that if I want to sell my stuff I should "click here". I probably get an e-mail like this every other week. I've sold and bought plenty on there but it definitely can be a hassle.

Xanthophyll 02-12-2010 04:47 PM

I bought my Corvette off Craigslist.... So keep it on, there's somebody out there looking for her...

Pjj1020 02-12-2010 08:51 PM

You guys are saying don't sell it on CL but where else would you sell it? Ebay and CL are the best places to sell cars IMO, because they get the most attention.

MN-Brent 02-12-2010 11:08 PM

I've sold tons of stuff on CL and bought lots with mostly good luck.

Tip from above is right on, get a g-mail account for your email that is ONLY used for selling on CL, so you don't ever have to worry about getting spammed on your "good" email address.

Also only give out your first name and phone number, not your full name or house address. If anyone is serious, they will call you.

As far as money, its nothing different than selling-buying anywhere else, IMHO.


Golden 02-13-2010 06:41 AM

Have you got a link to your ad?

bj1k 02-13-2010 08:14 AM

Number 1 rule for selling on Craigslist if you only want to hear from serious buyers. Do not ever make your email address available ! Click the "HIDE" button beside your email address. It's unfortunate because exposing your email address can be a good communication tool, but it also opens the door for gutless people to harrass you. They would never do it over the phone so post only your phone number and you will get only the people who are serious.

Faster Rat 02-13-2010 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by Pjj1020 (Post 1573081772)
You guys are saying don't sell it on CL but where else would you sell it? Ebay and CL are the best places to sell cars IMO, because they get the most attention.

After looking for 1-1/2 years, this is where I found mine:

Don't know if any cars actually ever sell on this one:

682XLR8 02-13-2010 11:16 AM

I agree with the above poster about not providing a email address. Whenever I sell something on CL, phone# only, if someone is serious about the item I'm selling they can ask me directly.
The people sending hate mail are likely jealous because they really can't afford to own a Vette, and have to vent on those of us that do...

Erik016 02-14-2010 06:32 AM

This is the actual ad but $500 cheaper. The only reason I was selling it so cheap was due to the fact that I wanted the extra cash to buy a car off my friends father. I already had 3 flakers but someones bound to get a good deal.:flag:

Fast81 02-14-2010 08:16 AM

DAMN -- you're practically giving it away for all the work you've done.
Good Luck
Ignore the idiot haters..........

rexx78 02-14-2010 11:28 AM

Wow, that should be a deal for someone.

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