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jpee 01-26-2003 09:55 AM

E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques..
I understand that this yr E Town will have several BIG $$ Sport Compact races.. There will be even larger pay outs in the "Power Adder Class"

My lil' ol 89 Honda will run a pretty consistent 19.80 .....BUT they (Inspectors) insist I MUST have a power adder in the car to run that class..

I think I've located an old NOS bottle, I'll buy some line, & a friend who sells NOS kits has several old bad solenoids..

My plan is to be LEGAL by installing the bottle, solenoid, etc... but NOT fill or use the bottle.. I checked the rules & nowhere does it state the operator MUST USE the Power Adder..

Now I add the "Mackey Factor" (sandbagging) I'll put 300-400 lb in the car, this should put it around 21-22 sec car...

I KNOW I can cut good lights with it, it has 13" front tires & almost no roll out, & I start in 2nd gear thus my 60' are 3.40 area..

My thoughts are, those imports with turbo, NOS, etc. 1. will not be consistent, 2. the drivers have never had to sit on the line for 6-8 sec. while I'm tooling my way down the track ;)

My guess they will go RED, be LATE, or just Blow the tires off & not run the #..

I think there are several BIG payout races this yr, & can anyone think of any other things I can do to give me that "winning edge" :D

My Honda is pretty consistent (not like my Vette) but within .05 ... I think those power adder imports are happy to run within 5-6 TENTHS of their dial..

Any help would be appreciated.. about the only down side is I'll have to put up with a less than "normal" crowed... but then I'm not exactly all there either :) so I should fit right in..

OH.. any of you who have seen my tan 89 Honda knows it looks like Granny's car DEAD STOCK.. so I also plan on renting a track rental helmut so I look the part of a little old man who lost his marbles..

Thats until I pick up the winning or runner up $$ :D

RichS 01-26-2003 10:09 AM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)
Your too much John. But I bet your plan would work. You might need a body guard though when you pick up all your winnings. :D

mackeyred96 01-26-2003 10:56 AM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)
John, I'm still looking for that 3 cyl Chevy Sprint so I can run sport compact,
That's the only car I'll race in that series. I think it'l run low 24.00 :lol:

QuickVet 01-26-2003 11:45 AM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (mackeyred96)
what are the dates of these events?

REDGAR 01-26-2003 02:33 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)
Doesn't feel right but if you can get away with it do it.

jpee 01-26-2003 03:32 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (REDGAR)

Doesn't feel right but if you can get away with it do it.
I dont know if you remember "Smoky Yunick" stock car driver. Back in 1966 he build a Chevelle 7/8 the stock size. (That was in the days BEFORE they had body templets.

As of today in Stock car racing, & Drag racing the trick is NOT to BREAK any rule but to work AROUND them.. I WILL be legal to run in Power Adder class... If I choose NOT to use my NO2 that my decision!

As of now I was going to use junk parts just to have it, but they "may" come up with a *rule that says "Working System" so in that case I will have my NO2 system working, & "purge it at the line" ya know like Scotty Cannon used to do :D

However they can NEVER say I must use it, or how long I must use it.. Until I'm breaking a RULE... all is racing unless you "BREAK" a rule..

Nothing is said about being "innovative"! & I think my idea in just that "innovative..

The year before last I won over $1500 in one race in the power adder class, THEN they came up with the rule "The Veh MUST have a Power System, (Turbo, Blower, or NO2) I will be legal. by installing the bottle, solenoid etc...


[Modified by Red96Coupe, 3:36 PM 1/26/2003]

CFI-EFI 01-26-2003 03:55 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)
Does the"Old Man" have enough piercings to run with this crowd?

I think there are several BIG payout races this yr, & can anyone think of any other things I can do to give me that "winning edge" :D
How about a dummy 'chute to match the empty bottle?

However they can NEVER say I must use it, or how long I must use it.. Until I'm breaking a RULE... all is racing unless you "BREAK" a rule..
Even when the rules were stretched, Smoky called it, "gettin' competitive!".

Personally, I LOVE the idea. I just wish I had a ricer (no I don't!) so I could play the same game. Great idea! Good luck, and...


J Z06 01-26-2003 04:24 PM

E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques..
You're all set on the bottle.

It's going to be quite funny seeing a fogger nozzle and solenoids hooked up.

God help the racers when they see that car, the hood up..the trunk open and it runs in the 20's :lolg: Only John P could do something like this hehehehehe

QuickVet 01-26-2003 04:37 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (JD 90 383)
that is a lot of money or one race. I may just have to try to bring the 2001 Honda Prelude down for a shot at that prize :)

REDGAR 01-26-2003 05:15 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)
John I would not worry about a rule saying "working" NO2 but the one that would say "12.99 and under".

Like I said if you can get away with it mo' money fo' you!

1996LT1 01-26-2003 06:04 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)


so I look the part of a little old man who lost his marbles..

Thats until I pick up the winning or runner up $$ :D

ummm... I'm not even going near that 1st line.. :jester

Jp... for 15% I'll help keep the goons away from you while youre traveling from the pay window back to your car :D :D :D :D :D

mackeyred96 01-26-2003 06:05 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)
The money is super and if you can cut a .650 light your all set :thumbs:

KyleBst264 01-27-2003 10:32 AM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (mackeyred96)

The money is super and if you can cut a .650 light your all set :thumbs:
:yesnod: :yesnod:

Not only that, but most of them try staging with the rear tires.

Nick Goldman 01-29-2003 04:33 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (KyleBst264)

The money is super and if you can cut a .650 light your all set :thumbs:

:yesnod: :yesnod:

Not only that, but most of them try staging with the rear tires.
Or how bout the guy that managed to turn completely around in the burnout box...hehehe.
-Nick Goldman

Vette-less Girl 01-29-2003 05:45 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (QuickVet)

that is a lot of money or one race. I may just have to try to bring the 2001 Honda Prelude down for a shot at that prize :)
Hey NOW! That's my car!!!!! And if it's my car and you win with it, wouldn't it be my money :jester

KyleBst264 01-29-2003 06:04 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Nick Goldman)

The money is super and if you can cut a .650 light your all set :thumbs:

:yesnod: :yesnod:

Not only that, but most of them try staging with the rear tires.

Or how bout the guy that managed to turn completely around in the burnout box...hehehe.
-Nick Goldman
Now I'll feel safe on ri...I mean street nights. I hate being behind a car that misses the beams and starts staging the rear tires, then he has to back up. I feel a little uncomfortable having the car infront of me on the starting line with the reverse lights on. I wouldn't doubt it if one of them has ever done that and had forgotten to take it out of reverse.

[Modified by KyleBst264, 6:04 PM 1/29/2003]

jpee 01-29-2003 09:04 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (KyleBst264)
I feel a little uncomfortable having the car infront of me on the starting line with the reverse lights on. I wouldn't doubt it if one of them has ever done that and had forgotten to take it out of reverse.

I don't mean to scare anyone, but the following is TRUE I was right next to it & saw it happen!
About 4 yr's ago (it was an Import day) I was racing in I think Mean Street, & was in lane 15. Lane 14 was Imports, I was standing there BS'ing (as usual) and in lane 14 there was a NEW "BMW" M3.. right behind it was a Rotary engine Mazda something... anyway the Mazda driver was revving to about 10,000 and doing short "hops" he did 2 or 3...

I'm thinking this guy is a real butt H...! :mad

As I'm watching he rev's it again, pops the clutch, & something went wrong, & WHAM :smash: He hits the new M3 in the rear HARD

About this time I said to myself... John, Is it really worth $75 to stay here & get your car :smash: All..F.... up ? I pulled up told WP I was having a problem & drove down the return road, & OUT THE GATE

Now 4 yrs later there are still Import (Sport Compact) drivers who mentally have never gotten out of 1st gear... But that class is gonna pay good $$ this year!!

Soooo I decided to take my 89 Honda to try for the good $$ in Power Adder Class & God forbid someone hits it, its no big loss..

I know the best laid plans sometimes go awry :( But at least I have a plan for 2003. Honda in Import Power Adder Class, my Vette in Pro Tree, & Corvette Challenge..

PS Tony (96LT4) please keep Rose away on Import days :D

[Modified by Red96Coupe, 9:06 PM 1/29/2003]

callaway95 01-29-2003 09:43 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)

I told you to use the fake N2O bottle last year -- go for it....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you would win a TON of money here in Vegas at the gamblers race. There are a zillion imports on street legal night, and all they care about is doing a good burnout in front of their girlfriends at the staging lanes.... The best RT that I've witneesed from over 250 ricers, is a 0.730 light...can you top that!

Plus, you should see the amount of cash bet on races here on street legal night - handicap and heads-up..... you would clean up!


97gtivr6 01-30-2003 01:57 AM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)

I understand that this yr E Town will have several BIG $$ Sport Compact races.. There will be even larger pay outs in the "Power Adder Class"

My lil' ol 89 Honda will run a pretty consistent 19.80 .....BUT they (Inspectors) insist I MUST have a power adder in the car to run that class..

I think I've located an old NOS bottle, I'll buy some line, & a friend who sells NOS kits has several old bad solenoids..

My plan is to be LEGAL by installing the bottle, solenoid, etc... but NOT fill or use the bottle.. I checked the rules & nowhere does it state the operator MUST USE the Power Adder..

Now I add the "Mackey Factor" (sandbagging) I'll put 300-400 lb in the car, this should put it around 21-22 sec car...

I KNOW I can cut good lights with it, it has 13" front tires & almost no roll out, & I start in 2nd gear thus my 60' are 3.40 area..

My thoughts are, those imports with turbo, NOS, etc. 1. will not be consistent, 2. the drivers have never had to sit on the line for 6-8 sec. while I'm tooling my way down the track ;)

My guess they will go RED, be LATE, or just Blow the tires off & not run the #..

I think there are several BIG payout races this yr, & can anyone think of any other things I can do to give me that "winning edge" :D

My Honda is pretty consistent (not like my Vette) but within .05 ... I think those power adder imports are happy to run within 5-6 TENTHS of their dial..

Any help would be appreciated.. about the only down side is I'll have to put up with a less than "normal" crowed... but then I'm not exactly all there either :) so I should fit right in..

OH.. any of you who have seen my tan 89 Honda knows it looks like Granny's car DEAD STOCK.. so I also plan on renting a track rental helmut so I look the part of a little old man who lost his marbles..

Thats until I pick up the winning or runner up $$ :D

Um... not sure what sanction your are lookin at but none of the bracket classes are sperated by power adder...

All bracket classes are broken down by e/t
12.99 and quicker
13.00-14.99 or 13.00-14.49
15.00 and slower...

All power adder classes are heads up racing.

Also if you try to run one of those classes no matter what you dial on the window you will get you dial changed to what ever the slowest allowed dial in is for that class..

So not sure where you got your info.
If you are reffering to the Survival series which are the Import events ran by e-town, N/A 4cyl and Power Adder 4cyl cars run together so again no gain.

You guys can crack jokes on import drivers all day... but if you really thing the guys who go rounds are pulling .700 lights well then... Just keep thinking that and sleep on the light..

I mean i know myself have no problem going rounds in my class in the import vs domestic events including 1 king of the hill appearance and 1 class finals and 1 class semi-finals over the past 2 years

But back to the original question... please elaborate which sanction or event. Cause what i said above is the way it's always been

1996LT1 01-30-2003 02:47 AM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (97gtivr6)
[QUOTE]Um... not sure what sanction your are lookin at but none of the bracket classes are sperated by power adder...

All bracket classes are broken down by e/t
12.99 and quicker
13.00-14.99 or 13.00-14.49
15.00 and slower...

All power adder classes are heads up racing.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well JP... It was fun while it lasted

:D :D :D

jpee 01-30-2003 08:02 AM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)

[QUPTE] I know the best laid plans sometimes go awry :( But at least I have a plan for 2003. Honda in Import Power Adder Class, my Vette in Pro Tree, & Corvette Challenge..


hmmmm :( I'll have to look closer into the import rules before I go & "highgly Modify my Honda" ;)

mackeyred96 01-30-2003 05:01 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)
15.00 and slower...for me :thumbs: :party:

REDGAR 01-31-2003 09:35 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (97gtivr6)
That's telling 'em:D

mackeyred96 02-02-2003 04:12 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)

[QUPTE] I know the best laid plans sometimes go awry :( But at least I have a plan for 2003. Honda in Import Power Adder Class, my Vette in Pro Tree, & Corvette Challenge..

hmmmm :( I'll have to look closer into the import rules before I go & "highgly Modify my Honda" ;)

C5JONNY 02-07-2003 06:34 PM

Re: E Town & Sport Compact Racing Ques.. (Red96Coupe)

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