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rahzip 05-31-2006 08:44 PM

"correct" hose clamps
I finally recieved a hose clamp set that I ordered about ten months ago.
according to the judging manual, they are Wittek tower clamps. They are Wittek and are date coded, but there is not much of a tower. There is just a nut with the bolt pinched to the clamp. Can anybody shed some light on this subject or post some pics.

P.S. I already checked Barry's site!!! LOL

BarryK 05-31-2006 08:58 PM

wow, my site is being used as a reference now huh? cool! :lol:

go to this page here:
go to picture # PICT0062
see the clamp on the upper radiator hose at the t-stat housing?
that's a correct dated Wittek tower clamp. if yours looks like that than it's correct.

Be careful when you tighten them. The screw sometimes likes to start going off at an angle and it won't tighten evenly. make sure the screw stays nice and straight as you tighten it. Aslo ,don't go too overboard and really try to prove just how strong you are when tightening those clamps or the screw will break off on you - ask me how I know!

rahzip 05-31-2006 10:32 PM

I cant get that link to load.
Also see the "window channel replacments" post. It ties in with the checking your site comment.

BarryK 05-31-2006 10:34 PM

opps, that was my fault. The link should be fixed now

rahzip 05-31-2006 10:46 PM

The clamps I got look like they forgot the tower part. Odd Huh? Has anyone seen what I'm talking about? I quess I'll call Corvette Central
and ask what gives?

JohnZ 06-01-2006 04:44 PM

The reproduction dated tower clamps are NOT made by Wittek - they went out of business many years ago; the repo clamps are not of the same quality materials as the original Wittek clamps, and are prone to failure. Suggest you use some oil on the ends of the saddle where the band slides through when you tighten them, and don't over-tighten them - they'll distort or the screw will break. :ack:

Chuck Gongloff 06-01-2006 05:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a pic of some Wittek type tower clamps from the Corvette Central catalog.

They're the 4 clamps depicted in the middle row, below the "aircraft style" clamps.

There are also 2 more beneath those.


rahzip 06-01-2006 06:52 PM

Thanks for the tip on the oil JohnZ.

Chuck they are just like the ones in your picture.

I'm little miffed. I spent $45.00 on what I thought were suposed to be correct and dated, and I get a clamp that is incorrect. I could keep the aircraft style I have now, which is a better clamp and still have my $45.00. I dont understand why the advertise as correct when they are not correct.

Chuck Gongloff 06-01-2006 07:14 PM

I'm confused :) They are "correct", as correct as a repro clamp can be. They're dated correctly, I assume, 1-2-3-4 quarter of XX year.

What's wrong with them?

When you put them on and tighten them, the "tower" comes up.

As JohnZ says, be careful, as they don't always pull symmetically. Chuck

rahzip 06-01-2006 09:23 PM

I am the one that is confused. I feel a little foolish. :o I had know idea the tower came up as you tightened the clamp. Well, shows what I know. Sorry for the rant and stupidity. Thanks for setting me straight!
Feeling a little stupid.:leaving:

Chuck Gongloff 06-02-2006 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by rahzip
I am the one that is confused. I feel a little foolish. :o I had know idea the tower came up as you tightened the clamp. Well, shows what I know. Sorry for the rant and stupidity. Thanks for setting me straight!
Feeling a little stupid.:leaving:

Don't feel stupid. You gotta ask to learn. :)

The reason you rarely find "original original" used Wittek tower clamps is that they're VERY TOUGH to remove after they're installed. Most were cut off and replaced with aircraft style at the first "hose change".

Be careful when you tighten them. Make sure that they're pulling symmetrically. DON'T overtighten them, as they'll break, or one leg will begin to pull out of the crimp.

I think the repro is pretty good. Maybe the "WITTEK" font is a bit different, and often the number stamped on the clamp, 24, 30, etc., might not correspond to an "original original".

As JohnZ said, Wittek went out of biz decades ago. I believe I read that Dr. Rebuild bought up MANY original clamps from Wittek before they closed. Chuck

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