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tombobbitt 07-09-2011 01:11 PM

Anti-spotting sgent
I prefer to wash my car, except when it is 92 here in Florida. Mr. Clean used to sell a car wash unit that had an "Anti-spotting" spray that was sprayed on your car to rinse it. It is no longer available.

Has anyone ever found an anti-spotting spray that I could use so I don't have to wipe it off?


Killrwheels@Autogeek 07-09-2011 04:57 PM

CrSpotless is a much better system, it actually works, but it will cost a bit more than the Mr. Clean system. You can also consider adding a water system inline which will remove alot of the contaminents and minerals causing spotting.

TOGWT 07-10-2011 10:00 AM

Originally Posted by tombobb (Post 1578087887)
I prefer to wash my car, except when it is 92 here in Florida. Mr. Clean used to sell a car wash unit that had an "Anti-spotting" spray that was sprayed on your car to rinse it. It is no longer available.

Has anyone ever found an anti-spotting spray that I could use so I don't have to wipe it off?


There are surfactants that use Marangoni stress to prevent droplet formation, Since a liquid with a high surface tension pulls more strongly on the surrounding liquid than one with a low surface tension, the presence of a gradient in surface tension will naturally cause the liquid to flow away from regions of low surface tension so that water drains from the surfaces in thin sheets, rather than forming droplets

The benefits of using it are that it prevents "spotting" caused by droplets of water drying and leaving behind dissolved lime scale minerals, and can also improve drying performance as there is less water remaining to be dried its drawback is that it leaves a thin film on the dried surface.

This type of surfactant can be found in 'Rinse Aid' an additive for dishwashers, do I know of a car care spray with these attributes, no.

But as Scott has suggested CRSpotless is the best solution to this problem

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