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KyRo6 08-23-2012 10:06 PM

Well first let me introduce myself. I'm Kyle and I have my heart set on a c4 Corvette. The only problem is that I live in Buffalo and the weather here isn't exactly the best in the winter as most of you know. It would be my first car so I don't have a winter car to drive if I bought a Vette. How big of a problem would it be if I got one and drove it in the winter? I know with the right tires it would run fine, but what about salt? I've heard that's a big problem. If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it. :thumbs:

PLRX 08-23-2012 10:27 PM

The mice is a big problem during the winter. One member here found three nests inside his dash board and other member's Vette wires were chewed out.

If you like to drive on the snow, contact Sweet 90. He lives in Canada were it snows 9 months out of the year. Most of the "winter owners" stop their Vettes during the winter.

Will the Vette be your only car?

Mexc4 08-23-2012 10:34 PM

I lived in Breck CO. years ago, and left my Toys in the garage all winter.

If you must drive a 'Vette in the winter, I would recommend a change of address. It works for me!

KyRo6 08-23-2012 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by PLRX (Post 1581649719)
The mice is a big problem during the winter. One member here found three nests inside his dash board and other member's Vette wires were chewed out.

If you like to drive on the snow, contact Sweet 90. He lives in Canada were it snows 9 months out of the year. Most of the "winter owners" stop their Vettes during the winter.

Will the Vette be your only car?

Yes it would be my only one. And wow... I didn't even think of mice. I was thinking that maybe I could get a cheap POS car for the winter, but I really shouldn't be having 2 cars. Just stuck in the middle I guess of wanting a Corvette, but having no way to get around when it gets cold out.

pkazsr 08-23-2012 10:53 PM

In Erie PA I drove my 68 Vert year round and in Newport NH I drove my 84 coupe year round. The only problem I ever had was ice build up on the inside of the wheels. Caused heavy vibration.

corvetteronw 08-24-2012 12:10 AM

Work an extra job until you can buy a winter beater. I live in West Michigan and I have driven C2s and C4s in the snow but it was not a lot of fun and I only did it when my winter beater was unavailable. Your weather is much worse than ours so I would not advise you to do it.
The salt will not really harm the car too much but it will be a bear to clean the suspension and engine compartment in the spring.

cv67 08-24-2012 12:36 AM

Go get a beater truck first then save longer for a Vette
You cant not get around.

Good idea to have a second car anyway when owning one of these

Railroadman 08-24-2012 09:40 AM

The salt will not really harm the car too much
I respectfully disagree.

If you're only going to have the Vette a year or so it probably won't matter but for any car you care about, salt is a death sentence. Those of us who have had regular cars know all too well that after X years you'll start seeing rust trails in some places, then an occasional hole....and before you know it your car's a POS. Naturally the body itself on a Vette won't rust but other stuff will - from suspension bolts to the oil pan to anything else that's steel.

You really have three reasons not to drive the Vette in the snow: Rust from salt, less traction, and a higher chance that some little old lady will slide into you through no fault of your own.

When I was your age (I'm guessing) my first car was a '59 Vette, and then I had a '67. I drove both through a winter each without incident. But I'm sure it did not do the frames any good and I would not do it again. There are ways to repel mice (search "mice" on here and you'll find a gazillion threads about those little bassages!) such as moth balls, dryer sheets and peppermint oil. I'd rather risk mice than drive mine through a winter.

Good luck with your efforts to get a Vette - don't give up the dream. But my vote is get a winter beater or just wait on the Vette for now.

FWC 08-24-2012 10:17 AM

I agree, wait on a Vette. Take your time and search for the right one. You say it will be your first car if you mean your very first car, cut your teeth on a beater if you meant primary, one snow storm will cure you from wanting to drive the Vette in snow again. So I guess we're back to a beater.

H P Bushrod 08-24-2012 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by cuisinartvette (Post 1581650447)
Go get a beater truck first then save longer for a Vette
You cant not get around.

Good idea to have a second car anyway when owning one of these


92ragtop 08-24-2012 11:11 AM

Just get a dark color, so they can find your car when it slides off the road into a snow drift. :D

Cruisinfanatic 08-24-2012 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by KyRo6 (Post 1581649561)
Well first let me introduce myself. I'm Kyle and I have my heart set on a c4 Corvette. The only problem is that I live in Buffalo and the weather here isn't exactly the best in the winter as most of you know. It would be my first car so I don't have a winter car to drive if I bought a Vette. How big of a problem would it be if I got one and drove it in the winter? I know with the right tires it would run fine, but what about salt? I've heard that's a big problem. If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it. :thumbs:

Sorry Kyle. I know you've got your heart set on buying a vette, but as others have said. Bad idea unless you can put it away during snow season.
You'll need a winter beater.
There's a very good reason that you see VERY few vettes in the winter. They are a nightmare in snow and ice, especially if you're not used to driving them

rocknroller 08-24-2012 12:10 PM

Lots of rear wheel torque and no weight in the rear end is not a good combo for snowy driving. The car will go, but it will go mostly sideways.:D

I would either get a FW drive car to supplement, or not get the Vette.

bolowbc 08-24-2012 12:27 PM

I drive my vette year round, however I'm in Alexandria, VA where the snow doesn't get as bad as Buffalo. Also, I set my own work schedule so I drive mostly off-hours and when very few people are on the road. I use Continental ExtremeContact DWS tires and load sandbags in the hatch area.

For your situation, it's probably smart to heed the advice that others have posted.

QCVette 08-24-2012 07:21 PM

I drove all year in a couple of C4's (88 & 94) for about 5 years.

They drove pretty well if it wasn't too deep. I got caught in a couple of deeper ones where I could hear the snow dragging on the bottom of the car, but they still kept going. If you have a lot of deep stuff I don't think I would try it. I had a 4wd Blazer and a pickup that I used if it was really bad, but that was only once or twice a year in central IL.

I ran the Falken ZE-512 tires with pretty good results.

The salt is another matter. I was seeing some corrosion after a couple of years. It was even on little stuff that I wouldn't have expected it on, like the fasteners for lights, etc. I also made a point of spending a pocket full of quarters every week at our local car wash to try and get it cleaned off. I sprayed underneath a lot too.

I think it is a good idea if you can get a winter beater too, although you can probably get by with only a C4 except for the worst days.

Good luck with your choices.

AirForceOne! 08-24-2012 07:23 PM

Well lots of rear wheel torque and no weight in the rear end may not be a good combo for snowy driving, but sure would be fun! Reminds me of winter here in Idaho 33 years ago with my 70 Camaro Rally Sport that had 50's on the back!:woohoo:

KyRo6 08-24-2012 08:14 PM

Really appreciate it guys. Looks like I'm going to get a beater for cheap, then save for the Vette. I've wanted a Vette since I was a kid, so waiting a little longer won't be toooo bad.

Now since we got that question out of the way, anyone have any advice for when the time comes for, year, mileage, anything to look for? I'm relatively new to this, so any help would be appreciated.

Old Ben 08-24-2012 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by KyRo6 (Post 1581656930)
Really appreciate it guys. Looks like I'm going to get a beater for cheap, then save for the Vette. I've wanted a Vette since I was a kid, so waiting a little longer won't be toooo bad.

Now since we got that question out of the way, anyone have any advice for when the time comes for, year, mileage, anything to look for? I'm relatively new to this, so any help would be appreciated.

Good decision. :thumbs:

If you are wanting a C4 then I would suggest a 95 or 96 model. :cheers:

KyRo6 08-24-2012 09:11 PM

I want a C4 for sure. Would be in my price range. How much do 95 or 96s run for? And do the tops come off on all C4 models? Sorry if these are dumb questions, trying to learn as much as I can from you guys.

Nowhere Man 08-24-2012 09:28 PM

they wont melt in snow

just drive it like you have sense and keep it away from snow over 3 inches high.

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