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Nitro-C5 04-27-2020 06:30 PM

**OFFICIAL** Forum Photogs Intro Thread...
I have been coming to this forum since it first started back in 1999 when I bought a new C5 and for a long time stayed mostly in the Performance and Regional sections. It was only the past few years when I started posting some of my photography. Though some of us may know each other through various forum sections I thought this would be a good opportunity to know each other in regards to our passion specifically for Photography. To that point I have a very simplistic format below, feel free to use part of that and/or make up your own comments, whatever you like. The purpose it get to know what each others background, skills, topic we would like to learn, goals etc... To be clear share what you feel comfortable as this is a place of learning not judgement. Photography by its very nature is Subjective and what one person might look at an image like there is something wrong another might perceive as Art.

Years as a Photographer: About 30 total years taking photos, but with just 24 of those of actually really studying how to make the photos better (that's when I started considering myself a real photographer), 14 years as a Professional and 10 years as a Photo Teacher.

Career/Profession: Although I am a Professional Photographer it is purposely NOT my primary income/career. I am a retired Athlete and currently own a Sports Nutrition Company. I purposely only do a maximum of (4) Paid Shoots per month

What got you into photography: I was raised in Upstate NY (Adirondack Park) so like most people I wanted to learn how to capture the beauty of landscapes

Photography Education: 100% self taught. I traveled for years on the road and every time I left town I would read a book on Photography. I have read ~200 books total on just about every topic you can imagine from the works of Ansel Adams way of to Studio Fashion Lighting! I have spent thousands of hours on websites like just soaking up all of the information I could.

What Genres do you shoot ie. Landscapes, portraits, macro etc... : I have a very diverse portfolio. I shoot just about everything: Landscapes, Architecture, Automotive, Portraiture, Macro, Abstract, Sports, Families, Boudoir, Fashion, Editorial etc... though I am weaker (due to experience) in genres like Wildlife, BIF, Macro in Nature etc..

What is your Strength/what could you teach: I would say one of my greatest strengths right now was my biggest weakness just a few years ago and that is setting up complex lighting. It was initially difficult for me to understand the Flash Curtain Syncs, relationship of Aperture, Shutter and ISO as it relates specifically to what the flash is doing, lighting ratios, doing multiple exposure measurements etc.. Now, in studio I typically use (4) strobes for every shoot and as many as (6) at the same time. I prefer to do shoots that are purposely complex, I thrive on the challenge.

What is your Weakness/what do you want to learn more about: A lot of thing, but Shooting Wildlife would be top on that list. I just have so little in my Portfolio and the ones I have are nothing I would consider that good. I just don't have the experience. I think BIF Photography is Amazing..and I need to add some! I have now and will always consider myself a lifelong student. I LOVE to learn and grow! I don't believe that even people we consider "Masters of Photography" today ever looked at themselves in that way. I think to be the best you can be you must be humble enough to know there is always more to learn!

Have you had any work published: I have been absolutely blessed to have so much of my work published in the past 5 years. I honestly not sure of the exact number but I would say several hundred photos in publication. That includes 37 Magazine Covers (26 Automotive, 9 fashion, 1 Equestrian, 1 Mens Health). Also have done hero cards, posters or media kits for some very famous race car drivers.

What is your Favorite All-Time Photo (post it below): This was probably the most difficult question to answer. That said I am going with a photo I took last year of Racing Icon Shirley Muldowney for her marketing cards and book. Technically there is nothing really that unique or great about the image as it is a pretty simple lighting set up in her back yard. It was the public's reaction and her reaction to them that I love so much. So She released this photo on her website and social media pages and as you can imagine the gun hating snowflakes went after her full force saying she is promoting violence and she should be ashamed of herself etc... Well most people forget that she had Smith and Wesson as one of her sponsors back in the day!!! :lol: She loves guns and her responses to some of these nuts that we attacking her made me love the image that much more. Not only did she tell them off in writing but then made a poster of that very image to sell at the NHRA events just to piss them off! LOL.

Do you have a website you would like to share:

Do you have a Social Media handle you want to share: IG and FB is @RickBeldenPhotography

Nitro-C5 04-28-2020 12:37 PM

....aaaaaand feel free to introduce yourself.... :cheers:

DonnieP73 04-28-2020 03:28 PM

Well, here goes.

I became a pipeline welder after my second year at college. I decided that I really enjoyed traveling and living in the different parts of this country.
My wife and I have lived or spent time in just about every state including Alaska and Hawaii. I retired after 38 years and we came home and remodeled our house together. After that was finished, I then took our 73 corvette that we had bought new in 72, but had sat on a driveway by our house under a cover for over 20 years, and completely restored it. Started that project when I was 62 and finished when I was 65. If I had waited any longer, don't believe I could have done it. Now at 72,
became interested in photography after the before and after photos of the restoration. Am learning and enjoying this new hobby.


PS. here is the link on my restoration after I had already began it.

Nitro-C5 04-28-2020 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by DonnieP73 (Post 1601410787)
Well, here goes.

I became a pipeline welder after my second year at college. I decided that I really enjoyed traveling and living in the different parts of this country.
My wife and I have lived or spent time in just about every state including Alaska and Hawaii. I retired after 38 years and we came home and remodeled our house together. After that was finished, I then took our 73 corvette that we had bought new in 72, but had sat on a driveway by our house under a cover for over 20 years, and completely restored it. Started that project when I was 62 and finished when I was 65. If I had waited any longer, don't believe I could have done it. Now at 72,
became interested in photography after the before and after photos of the restoration. Am learning and enjoying this new hobby.


PS. here is the link on my restoration after I had already began it.

Thank you Donnie for sharing...great job on the restoration. :cheers: One of the great things about photography is that it is NEVER to late to learn and you can do it at any age!! Is there anything in particular you would like to learn? and do you have any favorite photos you would like to share?

DonnieP73 04-28-2020 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by Nitro-C5 (Post 1601411224)
do you have any favorite photos you would like to share?

Here are two photos of our favorite place that we stayed and our favorite gardens. Both in Victoria BC.

The Impress Hotel

Butchart Gardens

These were taken in 2007 with my Minolta digital camera. That was my introduction to digital cameras.


Nitro-C5 04-29-2020 06:59 PM

Thanks Donnie for sharing. :cheers:

savewave 04-30-2020 11:38 AM

In a former life, I was in the newspaper business and worked with a lot of photographers whose work I admired. Although I was a "word" person throughout my career, I worked for six months as a photographer early on while I was still in school. I understood I wasn't very good at photography, but the government hadn't yet invented student loans and I needed the money.

I consider myself fortunate to have worked at newspapers during a time when we had the resources to tell both sides of a story and stricly followed the watchword, "Give Light and the People Will Find their own Way," rather than the agenda-based reporting I see so much of today.

Fast forward to newspapers beginning to downsize because of an advertising recession. I eventually saw the handwritting on the wall and decided to take early retirement. Fortunately, I was able to make it work financially. The problem was that mrs.savewave insisted it wasn't a part of her contract that I would be home for lunch every day and said I needed a hobby to get me out of the house.

I decided to teach myself about digital photography and shortly thereafter I discovered the largest bird nest I had ever seen. It was a bald eagle nest and the nesting pair of eagles were in the process of raising two chicks. I wasn't happy witih the pictures I was shooting of those magnificent birds, so kept improving my skills and the quality of my equipment until I started getting pictures I wasn't embarrassed to show others. Basically, I learned by making mistakes and then trying not to repeat those mistakes.

I primarily shoot wildlife, most often birds in flight because it's hard to do and I like the challenge. I'm not a birder, so often don't know what birds I've photographed and have to ask friends who study birds. I enjoy shooting scenics, too. I don't like shooting people and won't take assignments. People too often want the pictures of them to look like they think they look, rather than the way they actually look. I have a cousin who is an actress and a model. I've never seen a picture of her where she didn't look great. I tell her that the camera loves her. There are a lot of us the camera doesn't love.

I shoot pictures to make me happy. If I had to shoot pictures that would make somebody else happy, I wouldn't be happy. Neither will I sell any of the pictures I've shot. I know too many excellent photographers who depend on freelance photography to keep food on the table and a roof overhead. They don't need me or any other amateurs getting in the way of that.

"There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This has been one of them." Look forward to hearing your stories.

Nitro-C5 04-30-2020 05:40 PM

Thanks Jim for contributing! That is an awesome story. Similar to the reason why I started getting really serious a few years back. Photography is one of those things you can do really for the rest of your life...keeps our mind busy and lets you share an artistic side! My favorite shoots are also the ones I am not getting paid for (which is a big reason why I do not want to rely on photography as my main source of income. Like you I enjoy the creative process too much! :cheers:

Originally Posted by savewave (Post 1601421592)
In a former life, I was in the newspaper business and worked with a lot of photographers whose work I admired. Although I was a "word" person throughout my career, I worked for six months as a photographer early on while I was still in school. I understood I wasn't very good at photography, but the government hadn't yet invented student loans and I needed the money.

I consider myself fortunate to have worked at newspapers during a time when we had the resources to tell both sides of a story and stricly followed the watchword, "Give Light and the People Will Find their own Way," rather than the agenda-based reporting I see so much of today.

Fast forward to newspapers beginning to downsize because of an advertising recession. I eventually saw the handwritting on the wall and decided to take early retirement. Fortunately, I was able to make it work financially. The problem was that mrs.savewave insisted it wasn't a part of her contract that I would be home for lunch every day and said I needed a hobby to get me out of the house.

I decided to teach myself about digital photography and shortly thereafter I discovered the largest bird nest I had ever seen. It was a bald eagle nest and the nesting pair of eagles were in the process of raising two chicks. I wasn't happy witih the pictures I was shooting of those magnificent birds, so kept improving my skills and the quality of my equipment until I started getting pictures I wasn't embarrassed to show others. Basically, I learned by making mistakes and then trying not to repeat those mistakes.

I primarily shoot wildlife, most often birds in flight because it's hard to do and I like the challenge. I'm not a birder, so often don't know what birds I've photographed and have to ask friends who study birds. I enjoy shooting scenics, too. I don't like shooting people and won't take assignments. People too often want the pictures of them to look like they think they look, rather than the way they actually look. I have a cousin who is an actress and a model. I've never seen a picture of her where she didn't look great. I tell her that the camera loves her. There are a lot of us the camera doesn't love.

I shoot pictures to make me happy. If I had to shoot pictures that would make somebody else happy, I wouldn't be happy. Neither will I sell any of the pictures I've shot. I know too many excellent photographers who depend on freelance photography to keep food on the table and a roof overhead. They don't need me or any other amateurs getting in the way of that.

"There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This has been one of them." Look forward to hearing your stories.

savewave 04-30-2020 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by Nitro-C5 (Post 1601424037)
Thanks Jim for contributing! That is an awesome story. Similar to the reason why I started getting really serious a few years back. Photography is one of those things you can do really for the rest of your life...keeps our mind busy and lets you share an artistic side! My favorite shoots are also the ones I am not getting paid for (which is a big reason why I do not want to rely on photography as my main source of income. Like you I enjoy the creative process too much! :cheers:

If you didn't limit the number of assignments you take, I'm sure you could make a lot more doing it. It still probably wouldn't be enough to maintain your standard of living, however.

I posted that I didn't enjoy taking pictures when I took a photography job for six months while I was in school. I wasn't that good at it, but I did save a few of my pictures from that period when I was shooting film with an F-body Nikon. As I sometimes say, even a blind hog occasionally finds an acorn.
Elvis on tour
Fatal hit-and-run accident
Spilled milk
Water sking preacher

Nitro-C5 04-30-2020 07:37 PM

First of all, those shots are really good! Nice work. Most don't realize the skill that goes into Photojournalistic Photography. :cheers:

I'm one of the fortunate ones where I don't have to focus on making money on every shoot so when I do have an assignment it is more pleasurable, allows me to pick and choose abit who and when I want to work and then at the same time it allows me to charge abit more when I do say yes. Weddings are a good example...I do not specialize in them at all and really do not love shooting them (although I have had a few that I really liked). To that point I kept raising my rates up so when someone is interested in hiring they know I'm not going to negotiate price and at the same time they know the style that I'm going to shoot. Makes it more of a win/win and the revenue is enough that it does justify that fact it not something I normally enjoy. I really have no plans to ever do more than a few paid shoots a month, even when I retire. I think it would just kinda kill the fun for me.

Originally Posted by savewave (Post 1601424273)
If you didn't limit the number of assignments you take, I'm sure you could make a lot more doing it. It still probably wouldn't be enough to maintain your standard of living, however.

I posted that I didn't enjoy taking pictures when I took a photography job for six months while I was in school. I wasn't that good at it, but I did save a few of my pictures from that period when I was shooting film with an F-body Nikon. As I sometimes say, even a blind hog occasionally finds an acorn.
Elvis on tour
Fatal hit-and-run accident
Spilled milk
Water sking preacher

junkyard_dog72 05-02-2020 02:54 PM

Years as a Photographer: Maybe 8 or so years, I started getting into photography in college when I was studying Industrial Design and part of our first year instruction was to photograph objects we had created. We had some basic introduction to studio, light, and the Adobe Suite. The last 3-4 years is when I started getting into it more, got a Sony A6000 camera to improve with and an iPhone 11 Pro for when the camera is not around.

What got you into photography: Cars. I loved drawing cars and I love technology. Photography allowed me to combine the two. I started taking smartphone pictures at shows, then began trying to improve with the iPhone and then the Sony A6000. Cars and Coffee events have let me meet new people who are good with a camera and to photograph different cars in an environment that usually does not have the best background.

Photography Education: I have had introductory courses through DAAP which included studios and very basic software.

What Genres do you shoot ie. Landscapes, portraits, macro etc... : Currently I take a lot of photos of cars, specifically my own or at local meets. I would like to get more into landscape or cityscape photography. I started taking photos of my old iPhone 4 and enjoyed that so I want to improve that more as well.

What is your Strength/what could you teach: I think my strength is yet to be determined. I have been able to find some neat angles of vehicles just by taking a lot of pictures and learning and is probably my strongest point so far, but certainly not strong enough to teach.

What is your Weakness/what do you want to learn more about: Everything really. I want to learn more about manual mode and shooting in manual. I want to get better at it and turn it into something I am extremely comfortable with to the point where I take photographs on trips in manual mode instead of just auto mode. I want to improve my workflow (Mac OS) and improve my understanding of Lightroom and Affinity Photo.

Have you had any work published: I have had a couple photos used on the C4 Corvette Section monthly calendar! :rofl:

What is your Favorite All-Time Photo (post it below): That is hard to answer, I have some I really like but one of the first that comes to mind is from last year's Brickyard 400. I was able to get some photos tor turn out well by moving the camera with the cars and using the sport mode for a quick shutter. The one below is Kevin Harvick during a pit stop shot on my Sony A6000 using the Sony 50-210 lens.

KnightDriveTV 05-03-2020 12:10 AM

Years as a Photographer: I struggle to label myself as a "photographer" but I have been compensated for work in my life for taking pictures, but so have people on craigslist with their fresh new crop body and kit lens looking to do a wedding...lmao. I suppose the first time I attempted to take pictures in "seriousness" was about 2007 maybe?

Career/Profession: I've always been self employed since I was about 22yrs old. I owned a number of car shops...fabricated forced induction systems, tuned engine management, etc....grew it to build turnkey kit cars/racecars, got on Speed Channel/G4 channel, SEMA, etc. As if that didn't dominate my time enough I then had a wedding/event videography/photography/DJ business in parallel to that and had a partner. We stepped away after about 4yrs. I put in a lot more time than he did, it was for the best. Since that, I've had a restaurant, online businesses, credit restructuring/rehabilitation services, online name it. Complicated of right now I'm broke, lost just about everything and I suck now. I'll get back's all good....nature of the game.

What got you into photography: In the late 2000's I started organizing car clubs and holding annual multi-state car events that I organized and owned solely. I began purchasing photography and videography equipment for promotional purposes. With the equipment sitting there, I decided I could do more with it and that's what led to the wedding/event company. My partner paid 3500.00 for a wedding video and it was trash. I was like...dude...I could smash that first time out the box...guaranteed. He was like...yeah right. 2 mo later we did our first wedding video and I edited it like a tv show versus some guy standing in a corner with a flood light. 8 weddings later I added photography as a package. Year later we added DJ services and blended them all for a cohesive package that worked together and put out some sick sh*t for the time and locale.

Photography Education: Ahh...the internet, forums, massive reading along with video teaching DVD's....and a wad of time, some people along the way.

What Genres do you shoot ie. Landscapes, portraits, macro etc... : I've dabbled actually. Again, I struggle to really call myself a photographer...I'm more of a wannabe. Cars, landscapes, churches (cathedral style), drone photography (started that in 2016), people, animals...idk...whatever I feel I can use a camera to enhance reality. Cameras can capture what people never see...we won't put our eyeball up to the bud of a flower. We can't see water like a camera can, which then allows us to see the world in a new way...same with drone photog, etc. I transfer this ideology to video as well.

What is your Strength/what could you teach: I can't say I am qualified to teach anyone much. I can talk out my ass pretty well about some stuff and give some pointers. I work the equipment hard and made it a point to understand my equipment in full, which I think is 100% essential to ever taking a good picture or executing a solid video. I think weddings were a real great experience because there's nothing tougher than shooting in unprepped areas, dark churches and reception halls, no, I guess I learned a bit along the way I could pass.

What is your Weakness/what do you want to learn more about: I'd really like to explore the big dawg side of photography...the telephoto, low light, glowing brakes photography. I never had the equipment to play in that world. I'd also like to do studio based stuff with creative lighting.

Have you had any work published: I can't say I pursued this much but I've had some articles and photos in various online magazines and pictures that were purchased for use. I'm a car

What is your Favorite All-Time Photo (post it below): That's just a horrible challenge for me....I just wouldn't know where to start. Instantly like 50 blow into my mind that I love. Some because they were just a great period of life (not necessarily the best photo), some because they were photos that really turned out well, idk man...that's a terrible challenge. Cant it be top 5....I could probably decide on 5 if I isolate myself for 3

Do you have a website you would like to share: I've had many but...most people just watch my stuff on KnightDriveTV on youtube.

Do you have a Social Media handle you want to share: KnightDriveTV on YT and IG...that's my current multimedia project overall.

Def not my best pic...frankly can't even remember what I shot this on...I believe an old Nikon I had. My younger brother who I have struggled throughout life to connect with...we have traveled the country together, lived in various states together, always kept in touch but....we are just very different people. This photo was one of the fun moments that we kind of did on the fly....him acting like the Karate Kid and me just kinda scramblin to make it work before the sun went down. One of the few peaks among a whole lot of valleys....addiction is a real mfer and sometimes it just never lets people go. Hopefully that day is ahead sometime and we can somehow just chill like we used to.

Nitro-C5 05-04-2020 11:11 AM

Welcome to this forum section. Please feel free to start post to share work, ask questions, give advice etc... Thanks, Rick

Originally Posted by junkyard_dog72 (Post 1601434167)
Years as a Photographer: Maybe 8 or so years, I started getting into photography in college when I was studying Industrial Design and part of our first year instruction was to photograph objects we had created. We had some basic introduction to studio, light, and the Adobe Suite. The last 3-4 years is when I started getting into it more, got a Sony A6000 camera to improve with and an iPhone 11 Pro for when the camera is not around.

What got you into photography: Cars. I loved drawing cars and I love technology. Photography allowed me to combine the two. I started taking smartphone pictures at shows, then began trying to improve with the iPhone and then the Sony A6000. Cars and Coffee events have let me meet new people who are good with a camera and to photograph different cars in an environment that usually does not have the best background.

Photography Education: I have had introductory courses through DAAP which included studios and very basic software.

What Genres do you shoot ie. Landscapes, portraits, macro etc... : Currently I take a lot of photos of cars, specifically my own or at local meets. I would like to get more into landscape or cityscape photography. I started taking photos of my old iPhone 4 and enjoyed that so I want to improve that more as well.

What is your Strength/what could you teach: I think my strength is yet to be determined. I have been able to find some neat angles of vehicles just by taking a lot of pictures and learning and is probably my strongest point so far, but certainly not strong enough to teach.

What is your Weakness/what do you want to learn more about: Everything really. I want to learn more about manual mode and shooting in manual. I want to get better at it and turn it into something I am extremely comfortable with to the point where I take photographs on trips in manual mode instead of just auto mode. I want to improve my workflow (Mac OS) and improve my understanding of Lightroom and Affinity Photo.

Have you had any work published: I have had a couple photos used on the C4 Corvette Section monthly calendar! :rofl:

What is your Favorite All-Time Photo (post it below): That is hard to answer, I have some I really like but one of the first that comes to mind is from last year's Brickyard 400. I was able to get some photos tor turn out well by moving the camera with the cars and using the sport mode for a quick shutter. The one below is Kevin Harvick during a pit stop shot on my Sony A6000 using the Sony 50-210 lens.

Nitro-C5 05-04-2020 11:11 AM

Welcome to this forum section. Please feel free to start post to share work, ask questions, give advice etc... Thanks, Rick

Originally Posted by K.I.T.T. (Post 1601436339)
Years as a Photographer: I struggle to label myself as a "photographer" but I have been compensated for work in my life for taking pictures, but so have people on craigslist with their fresh new crop body and kit lens looking to do a wedding...lmao. I suppose the first time I attempted to take pictures in "seriousness" was about 2007 maybe?

Career/Profession: I've always been self employed since I was about 22yrs old. I owned a number of car shops...fabricated forced induction systems, tuned engine management, etc....grew it to build turnkey kit cars/racecars, got on Speed Channel/G4 channel, SEMA, etc. As if that didn't dominate my time enough I then had a wedding/event videography/photography/DJ business in parallel to that and had a partner. We stepped away after about 4yrs. I put in a lot more time than he did, it was for the best. Since that, I've had a restaurant, online businesses, credit restructuring/rehabilitation services, online name it. Complicated of right now I'm broke, lost just about everything and I suck now. I'll get back's all good....nature of the game.

What got you into photography: In the late 2000's I started organizing car clubs and holding annual multi-state car events that I organized and owned solely. I began purchasing photography and videography equipment for promotional purposes. With the equipment sitting there, I decided I could do more with it and that's what led to the wedding/event company. My partner paid 3500.00 for a wedding video and it was trash. I was like...dude...I could smash that first time out the box...guaranteed. He was like...yeah right. 2 mo later we did our first wedding video and I edited it like a tv show versus some guy standing in a corner with a flood light. 8 weddings later I added photography as a package. Year later we added DJ services and blended them all for a cohesive package that worked together and put out some sick sh*t for the time and locale.

Photography Education: Ahh...the internet, forums, massive reading along with video teaching DVD's....and a wad of time, some people along the way.

What Genres do you shoot ie. Landscapes, portraits, macro etc... : I've dabbled actually. Again, I struggle to really call myself a photographer...I'm more of a wannabe. Cars, landscapes, churches (cathedral style), drone photography (started that in 2016), people, animals...idk...whatever I feel I can use a camera to enhance reality. Cameras can capture what people never see...we won't put our eyeball up to the bud of a flower. We can't see water like a camera can, which then allows us to see the world in a new way...same with drone photog, etc. I transfer this ideology to video as well.

What is your Strength/what could you teach: I can't say I am qualified to teach anyone much. I can talk out my ass pretty well about some stuff and give some pointers. I work the equipment hard and made it a point to understand my equipment in full, which I think is 100% essential to ever taking a good picture or executing a solid video. I think weddings were a real great experience because there's nothing tougher than shooting in unprepped areas, dark churches and reception halls, no, I guess I learned a bit along the way I could pass.

What is your Weakness/what do you want to learn more about: I'd really like to explore the big dawg side of photography...the telephoto, low light, glowing brakes photography. I never had the equipment to play in that world. I'd also like to do studio based stuff with creative lighting.

Have you had any work published: I can't say I pursued this much but I've had some articles and photos in various online magazines and pictures that were purchased for use. I'm a car

What is your Favorite All-Time Photo (post it below): That's just a horrible challenge for me....I just wouldn't know where to start. Instantly like 50 blow into my mind that I love. Some because they were just a great period of life (not necessarily the best photo), some because they were photos that really turned out well, idk man...that's a terrible challenge. Cant it be top 5....I could probably decide on 5 if I isolate myself for 3

Do you have a website you would like to share: I've had many but...most people just watch my stuff on KnightDriveTV on youtube.

Do you have a Social Media handle you want to share: KnightDriveTV on YT and IG...that's my current multimedia project overall.

Def not my best pic...frankly can't even remember what I shot this on...I believe an old Nikon I had. My younger brother who I have struggled throughout life to connect with...we have traveled the country together, lived in various states together, always kept in touch but....we are just very different people. This photo was one of the fun moments that we kind of did on the fly....him acting like the Karate Kid and me just kinda scramblin to make it work before the sun went down. One of the few peaks among a whole lot of valleys....addiction is a real mfer and sometimes it just never lets people go. Hopefully that day is ahead sometime and we can somehow just chill like we used to.

braveheart3158 08-23-2020 11:02 AM

I know I have done it in the past but its been so long. How do I post a picture in a thread?

YBNORMEL 10-04-2020 05:08 PM

My hometown, never went to Butchard gardens.

Nitro-C5 10-05-2020 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by braveheart3158 (Post 1602058732)
I know I have done it in the past but its been so long. How do I post a picture in a thread?

Sorry just now seeing this. When you go to post you will see Icon like "Bold" " Underline" " Emoji" etc... Right next to the Emoji button there is a square icon with a mountain and sun in the frame. Just click that and upload directly from your computer.

kelalex 06-09-2021 11:57 PM

Hi Here is my Intro! I am much better with pictures than words ;)
Years as a photographer 25 running my own photography business full time. 2 in college and 2 as an intern / assistant for commercial photographers in Dallas.
What got me into photography I moved to Dallas to study culinary arts, my Mom was a pastry chef and I wanted to become an executive chef and travel the world. When I left home my parents gave me a pretty good Minolta camera and I got to thinking.. I have an unusual way of seeing things and I took one photography class while I was taking all the culinary classes and I was hooked! Changed my major and the rest is history.
Genres I shoot Everything except newborns and babies, they kind of freak me out.
What is my strength The ability to access the location, client and all the intangibles and turn it into a stellar image. Anything you all want to know feel free to ask.
What is my weakness I would really like to know more about maximizing my Photoshop skills. I started with film and a darkroom and had to be carried kicking and screaming to the digital age
Anything published yes
Favorite all time photo I have so many that I love.. but this one has one of the best stories behind it: And this is just for all my Corvette pals on this forum. :)
We were in London, 2014 the Dallas Cowboys were playing the Jacksonville Jaguars at Wembley stadium. I am the executive photographer not the "sports photographer" and there are a few guys in management that think women should be cheerleaders and secretaries. As Mr. Jones and his 2 sons were standing in the tunnel we were told we would have 2 minutes to take photos of the Mayor of London ( now the prime minster ) and the Jaguars owner. So one of the guys mentioned above brought our sideline photographer over and said very loudly "hey I need a great pic of this, make sure you get it!" then gave me the eye. So it's time and we are all jogging out to the field for our 2 minutes, me, the sports photog, the mean guy, Mr. and his sons and about 40 other photographers. Well as a portrait and event photographer I always carry a flash on my camera. I use it at the stadium, outside on sunny days.. pretty much all the time. If you know how to use a flash correctly it is a wonderful tool!
Back to London... anyway we go jogging out and the lights are off in the stadium for a fireworks show and lasers and I hear our sports guy cussing and I am just smiling. And I turn on and turn up my flash. Only one other photographer had a flash a guy from London. So we all shoot, leave the field and the Cowboys win. The next day the the guy that brought our sports photog over had to come by and ask for my shots. Sadly I couldn't be a smart butt because he is upper management but ... it was great!! And this is my favorite from that night!
Websites and Social Media
IG Kelalexphoto
FB Kelly Alexander Photography

ErikwithAK01 08-11-2021 01:56 AM

Years as a Photographer: I started my venture into photography the summer of 2010, and have worked on it pretty consistently since.

Career/Profession: I am a full time aerospace machinist working for Boeing on the 767 / KC46 tanker program. I also plastidip cars professionally, and have a 1200 square foot facility for that on my property, and I have a few clients that keep me very happy, and busy, as their on-site photographer for their business.

What got you into photography: I was dating this girl, who was a local model by profession, and she wanted to get into photography herself. I saw the opportunity to enjoy a mutual hobby together, but she always looked down on my aspirations to be an automotive photographer because she judged it to be a lesser, unworthy medium. I made something of myself with my photography, and she couldn't live it down. It's what drove us apart...before I realized she was actually a hopeless loser, lol.

Formal Education: None, totally self taught from the ground up. My parents have been insufferable point-&-shoot people my whole life, and no one passed on the passion to me. I developed my love for it as soon as I bought my first DSLR, a Nikon D90! I found that car hobbies synergize excellently with a photography hobby :yesnod:

What Genres do you shoot ie. Landscapes, portraits, macro etc...: While I was learning, I would very occasionally shoot landscapes and people, but my work has been overwhelmingly cars since day one. I have since, in the last few years, started shooting models with regularity.

Personal strengths: I personally enjoy light painting, and could teach the technique if need be. I'm also pretty handy with a couple off camera speed lights as well. I often mix a light wand, and speed lights into my work where I can.

Weaknesses in my photography: Editing DEFINITELY. I only started editing in December 2020. I just never had the drive to want to learn. It's only recently that I have realized that this forced me to develop my eye for composition, which is great, but my lack of knowledge/experience here is what's keeping me back from my next major breakthrough in my technique, IMHO. Whatever editing I currently do, is with basic Windows 10 software, I dont even use lightroom.

Working with whatever lighting was available (and working a graveyard shift at work) had me street racing all over the western WA coastline area late at night, scouting out cool spots to sneak in an setup for a shot or two. Good times :yesnod:

Published works: None, and that's fine by me :D

Favorite All-Time Photo: oooo..gonna have to dig into the port for that, but for now, I have a few on my phone.

Social Media handles: Instagram @thegoodlife_pnw Also the Classics dealer I contract with has a Tiktok, IG, FB, you name it. All under the name Classic Car Addiction.

This is my '56 Chevy :P Corvetteforum does NOT like the reolution of my photos, lol.

Nitro-C5 08-16-2021 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by ErikwithAK01 (Post 1603856966)
Years as a Photographer: I started my venture into photography the summer of 2010, and have worked on it pretty consistently since.

Career/Profession: I am a full time aerospace machinist working for Boeing on the 767 / KC46 tanker program. I also plastidip cars professionally, and have a 1200 square foot facility for that on my property, and I have a few clients that keep me very happy, and busy, as their on-site photographer for their business.

What got you into photography: I was dating this girl, who was a local model by profession, and she wanted to get into photography herself. I saw the opportunity to enjoy a mutual hobby together, but she always looked down on my aspirations to be an automotive photographer because she judged it to be a lesser, unworthy medium. I made something of myself with my photography, and she couldn't live it down. It's what drove us apart...before I realized she was actually a hopeless loser, lol.

Formal Education: None, totally self taught from the ground up. My parents have been insufferable point-&-shoot people my whole life, and no one passed on the passion to me. I developed my love for it as soon as I bought my first DSLR, a Nikon D90! I found that car hobbies synergize excellently with a photography hobby :yesnod:

What Genres do you shoot ie. Landscapes, portraits, macro etc...: While I was learning, I would very occasionally shoot landscapes and people, but my work has been overwhelmingly cars since day one. I have since, in the last few years, started shooting models with regularity.

Personal strengths: I personally enjoy light painting, and could teach the technique if need be. I'm also pretty handy with a couple off camera speed lights as well. I often mix a light wand, and speed lights into my work where I can.

Weaknesses in my photography: Editing DEFINITELY. I only started editing in December 2020. I just never had the drive to want to learn. It's only recently that I have realized that this forced me to develop my eye for composition, which is great, but my lack of knowledge/experience here is what's keeping me back from my next major breakthrough in my technique, IMHO. Whatever editing I currently do, is with basic Windows 10 software, I dont even use lightroom.

Working with whatever lighting was available (and working a graveyard shift at work) had me street racing all over the western WA coastline area late at night, scouting out cool spots to sneak in an setup for a shot or two. Good times :yesnod:

Published works: None, and that's fine by me :D

Favorite All-Time Photo: oooo..gonna have to dig into the port for that, but for now, I have a few on my phone.

Social Media handles: Instagram @thegoodlife_pnw Also the Classics dealer I contract with has a Tiktok, IG, FB, you name it. All under the name Classic Car Addiction.

This is my '56 Chevy :P Corvetteforum does NOT like the reolution of my photos, lol.

Welcome and nice work. I just followed you on IG as well. :cheers:

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