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stevezZ06 06-28-2022 01:15 PM

Amazing how nobody responds
I have to say the PNW seems like many don't want to get involved with doing things except sit at the same car shows each and every year. I organized the Rally to the Little Dragon around Sept of 2021 posted it let folks know also on FB and it amazes me that on 5/10/2022 320 people read post but no replies then on 6/4/2022 another post 353 read but only 6 replies..its sad bc only about 20 cars attended and it was a blast we all had fun....many even asked me to make this a yearly run....and just the other day 6/26 I have suggested A beer run in Sept and 111 people have read but not 1 reply. Do people even want to get out anymore? It would be nice to do things with many others and enjoy our cars but come on folks input and responses. Get involved, have some fun! Enough said have a great day.

AaronZ51 06-28-2022 04:17 PM

I was just going to respond to your previous post asking how the drive went, Steve. I really wanted to attend the drive (sounded like a great road trip) but couldn't swing it logistically. Glad you had 20 cars attend!

Several years back, I planned a drive of the Olympic peninsula as an overnight trip with a stay at the Kalaloch Lodge and had about 15 people register and make lodging reservations (we planned this several months in advance so we could all get reservations). By the time the drive arrived, we were down to four cars.

Just keep posting...

Fiberbundle 06-28-2022 08:05 PM

It is not just you that is experiencing this lack of involvement. I am an officer of a Corvette club with over 50 PAYING members and get the same lack of response to suggestions for cruises. Even when people do get interested in a cruise we are lucky to have 6 or 8 cars show up.
Just keeping trying and it will work out. As a quick suggestion however, using “Leavenworth overnight cruise” might work in your favor over your current title.

stevezZ06 06-28-2022 08:38 PM

Thanks for the reply and opinion. Being a beer/wine run id hope people use good judgment and know its an overnight cruise lol but I took your advice and titled it overnight 😅

koranke 06-28-2022 11:34 PM

20 cars is a huge success. Glad it turned out well. I was thinking of going myself but the wife couldn't swing it that weekend. There are many other cool roads in that area, including 395 to the west and parts of 86 and 71 up and past Oxbow.

stevezZ06 06-29-2022 08:21 AM

Im very blessed w the turnout of The rally. I was just pointing out about how one could post something on the PNW forum and all people do is just read/view the post. Forum members usually post for replies to get participation in conversations. I had felt that my post was a billboard bc the lack of conversation. Anyhow thank you for pointing out the other cool roads. We had the Devils tail scenic byway planned but they had just resurfaced and had chips down so I called off going on hwy 86 bc all the cars detailed paint would have been a mess. Maybe next year we'll all be able to run it though..

kenthomas4 06-29-2022 08:44 AM

It’s painful, I know but just keep organizing. Eventually people will see what fun it is. I think some of it might be the sketchy weather reports around here. Some people just won’t drive their cars if the weather is iffy.

What I love about AZ; lots of runs and cars and coffee every weekend. An enthusiast can be busy as much as they want.

ChiefBoats 06-29-2022 08:50 AM

You have that one group of folks if there's a 1/10 of 1% chance of rain, oh no, I'm not taking it out........:D
Quoting another's message, "you have people that own Corvettes, and then there are Corvette people." I know too many in the aforementioned.

stevezZ06 06-29-2022 09:12 AM

Miss having you two up here Ken the rally was a lot of fun. Maybe ill have another run next year... :)

GarryL 06-29-2022 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by stevezZ06 (Post 1605335994)
I have to say the PNW seems like many don't want to get involved with doing things except sit at the same car shows each and every year. I organized the Rally to the Little Dragon around Sept of 2021 posted it let folks know also on FB and it amazes me that on 5/10/2022 320 people read post but no replies then on 6/4/2022 another post 353 read but only 6 replies..its sad bc only about 20 cars attended and it was a blast we all had fun....many even asked me to make this a yearly run....and just the other day 6/26 I have suggested A beer run in Sept and 111 people have read but not 1 reply. Do people even want to get out anymore? It would be nice to do things with many others and enjoy our cars but come on folks input and responses. Get involved, have some fun! Enough said have a great day.

I hear ya! Over the years I have posted to this PNW forum and usually receive very few replies, but lots of views, almost like people aren't very friendly so I find myself seldom on this part of the forums. Likely that folks these days just seem too busy for life!

bluedevil99 06-29-2022 12:44 PM

Less not wanting to get involved with things, more like have too many commitments or logistic difficulties. Also, there are lots of Corvette owners here in the Puget sound area that are not fully confident in joining a bunch of people they haven't met before. Especially when you are talking about a group drive where there is stress in not knowing the expectations.

Same thing applies with motorcycles and other car groups as well, especially after COVID where people have had a lot of life changes. Not to mention those who have eroded social skills. :cheers:

koranke 06-29-2022 12:56 PM

I agree with this last point, it can be challenging with organizing a group with strangers. Years ago I posted here for a few drives and nobody responded. But there's always that question about expectations and driving styles, particularly when it comes to "pace". Some people want to cruise and enjoy the scenery. Some people (thinking about a particular car club group that I've driven with a few times) like to go at higher speeds in more remote areas and are willing to risk the consequences. Some people are maybe in-between. I'm probably one of those in-between people. I like to have some "fun" in more remote areas and in the curves, but I also like to keep things safe and remind myself I'm not on a track, I don't want to be in an accident and I don't need higher insurance premiums or to have my car impounded. On the other hand, it is nice to enjoy the capabilities of our cars a little.

69_Shark 06-29-2022 04:50 PM

Ha! I'm just happy when my bride in her 07 follows me in my 69 to Dairy Queen in Marysville!!! LOL!
Getting a group as large as 20 is pretty awesome in my book.


Hary Gahtoe 06-29-2022 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by stevezZ06 (Post 1605335994)
I have to say the PNW seems like many don't want to get involved with doing things except sit at the same car shows each and every year. I organized the Rally to the Little Dragon around Sept of 2021 posted it let folks know also on FB and it amazes me that on 5/10/2022 320 people read post but no replies then on 6/4/2022 another post 353 read but only 6 replies..its sad bc only about 20 cars attended and it was a blast we all had fun....many even asked me to make this a yearly run....and just the other day 6/26 I have suggested A beer run in Sept and 111 people have read but not 1 reply. Do people even want to get out anymore? It would be nice to do things with many others and enjoy our cars but come on folks input and responses. Get involved, have some fun! Enough said have a great day.

I've posted trips to Reno on here. Last year it was just my BiL & I. Had a great time . In this vein, don't shoot the messenger. This is the new reality about owning a Corvette in 2022 in the entirety of the PNW, not just one specific area.

The issue tends to be very hard edged about Corvette gatherings.
That old saying location is everything applies here and so does area grouping. Not many people from Seattle area participating in events where we live either. Not to be expected either but for us the enticement of joining Seattle/ Portland events usually leaves us with the slightly less than fulfilling experience that doesn't make us feel like it was not worth the time or effort.

I looked at the Rally mentioned. Conditions didn't seem as nice as roads much closer to home ( Mt Baker has a much nicer drive) Deception Pass or even a trip to Leavenworth and Lake Chelan would that's all.
This is merely an honest, frank post from someone who does get out and wishes there were more events worth travelling for.
Don't expect others to fulfill your expectations. You'll always be disappointed. Go more with the flow, enjoy what comes at you

Live, love laugh

SivaSuryaKshatriya 09-06-2022 03:15 PM

Honestly it seems like the PNW just doesn't have a whole lot of Corvette enthusiasts.

It's not a lack of money but rather a cultural thing I suspect. If you go to Texas or the east coast you'll see Corvettes everywhere, but over here people seem to prefer luxury cars and European/Japanese.

Even looking on Craigslist you'll see far fewer Vettes for sale here as opposed to midwest/east coast.

The exception to this is the newer model C7 and C8's, but many of those drivers don't participate in enthusiast events.

It's too bad but hey, at least my car is rarer lol. I hope you manage to pull a nicely sized crew together!

bluedevil99 09-08-2022 07:34 PM

The difference between here and Texas is people are able to ride around all the time there, whereas here you only get a few months. Your average luxury cars tend not to be so weather-bound. Can say the same thing about half of the lower 49.

MrRanggong 09-10-2022 11:26 AM

Rain? I've lived in Seattle my whole life. The weather has changed. Seems more like Cali weather now. Lack of enthusiasm makes it tough on Corvetteless guys like me that just want to lay eyes on a C3. I'm down here now at Rod Run in Long Beach hoping to bag a few. No rain in sight. It was 84 degrees yesterday. Predicted to be 85 degrees today.

bangerbean 09-10-2022 08:55 PM

We struggled with this in the Lotus group. In the end we switched the meet ups to quick drives on local roads, then maybe lunch or coffee afterwards.

We’d meet somewhere close to Skyline, then go for a blast on the local hills, or do the coast runs.

You may get a much larger audience if it’s short, quick meet ups.

Also bear in mind the ownership profile is changing. The C6, especially the Z, is gaining a lot of interest from younger, track focused individuals and who aren’t too interested in car shows and beer meet ups.

The stereotype of a Corvette owner being in New Balance shoes and cargo pants is shifting to someone who is an avid enthusiast and appreciates a track focused car. More events catering to this might help save local club gatherings…

CamarosRus 09-14-2022 02:34 AM


MACE_Hardware 09-16-2022 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by AaronZ51 (Post 1605336898)
I was just going to respond to your previous post asking how the drive went, Steve. I really wanted to attend the drive (sounded like a great road trip) but couldn't swing it logistically. Glad you had 20 cars attend!

Several years back, I planned a drive of the Olympic peninsula as an overnight trip with a stay at the Kalaloch Lodge and had about 15 people register and make lodging reservations (we planned this several months in advance so we could all get reservations). By the time the drive arrived, we were down to four cars.

Just keep posting...

Olympic Peninsula Drive
Yeah, but the four who showed were the cool kids. Funny thing, my bride and I went on the NCM anniversary caravan that kenthomas4 lead and we came across kmcoldcars in Bowling Green. Small world.

Also, we found someone who signed the banner who had the same name as my dad. We tracked him down for fun and found out his brother had the same name as my uncle. That was semi-weird.

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