Top 8 Uses of C7 Built-In Dash Cam

C7 Corvettes come with a built-in dashcam and controversial "valet mode." There are more uses for a dashcam than you might think at first.

By Conor Fynes - April 5, 2017
Catching irresponsible behavior
Improving driving skill
Settling accident claims
Immortalizing a vacation
Recording audio
Sharing performance with friends
Recollecting details of your drive
Capturing impossible footage

1. Catching irresponsible behavior

The C7 Corvette comes with a feature called "valet mode." When this is activated, the stereo and glove box are locked; more importantly, the dashcam's recording is activated to monitor the performance of valets, or otherwise, help in situations where trust is an issue. This dashcam feature has caught at least one valet red-handed; the C7 Corvette's dashcam footage recorded a valet taking the vehicle up to 50 MPH within a tight carpark. He might have gotten away with it too if it weren't for the cam recording everything. This camera is also helpful if someone rear-ends or otherwise damages your vehicle in a parking lot while you're not around.

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2. Improving driving skill

More than a simple video recorder, the C7 built-in dashcam compiles everything from steering stats to lap times. Dashcam users have found the feature useful in optimizing their driving on a track by having immediate results there for them on the screen. Although these statistics are by no means essential for the casual driver, they can be invaluable for someone who wants to push themselves and their 'Vette to the limits of performance.

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3. Settling accident claims

When there's an accident on the road without sufficient witnesses to testify, things can devolve into a stressful "he said, she said" dynamic where no party is willing to take the appropriate blame. With a dashcam in your Corvette, if someone crashes, you will be able to present the video as clear proof that the onus is on the other person.  Insurance premiums should get indirectly fairer as a result of this gadget.

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4. Immortalizing a vacation

People love to record video from their vacation as a way to make a souvenir. But what if your car was recording the trip already? With a dashcam, you'll be able to revisit all the places you drove through on a whim and press of a button. If you want, you could compile some of this footage with your on-foot phone recordings and make a small movie of your adventure.

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5. Recording audio

The dashcam on the C7 Corvette is also capable of picking up good audio, for recording your own conversations or keeping a valet honest. This has actually been a point of contention with the Corvette dashcam. Recording video without someone's consent is fine, but audio is off-limits in 11 states. The Corvette's "valet mode" records both, which resulted in Chevrolet recalling their Corvettes to tweak the issue.

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6. Sharing performance with friends

The Corvette dashcam also shows driving stats and analyzes your driving performance. While that's now going to be the sort of thing that interests casual drivers, the few that are really interested in cars and driving will have an on-the-go analysis with friends they can share with a friend. The actual video can be used as well if you wanted to show auto buddies your trip around a given track.

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7. Recollecting details of your drive

Sometimes, there will be a little random detail on a regular drive that you were wanting to remember but can't. Whether it's the name of an intersection you recall or license plate on your way, or even the kind of specials scrawled on a restaurant sign, having a running memory can be helpful in lots of small ways.

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8. Capturing impossible footage

The most incredible, out of the blue events that tend to get recorded are only ever captured because a camera was already on for unrelated reasons. Commonplace dashcams in Russia have picked up on some o the most incredible sights ever caught on a camera, including a plane crashing nearby. With a running dashcam on your C7 Corvette, you never know when it will pick up a once-in-a-lifetime event. Whether the event is funny, tragic, or somehow a combination of both, the footage itself will be priceless, and you'll be very glad the dashcam was there to catch it in all its crazy glory.

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