How-To Spotlight: Replacing your Corvette Battery

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How To Corvette Battery

Changing out the battery in your fifth, sixth, or seventh generation Corvette is not a difficult task, and it has never been easier. Learn how to swap out your dead battery right now.

In the not-so-distant past, getting to the battery on your Corvette was a huge challenge. By challenge I mean removing several key engine components. It was a an honest several hour ordeal by many home mechanics. Go ahead and look up the process in swapping out the battery of a C4. It is definitely something that you are happy to not need to do frequently. You are likely hear many fourth generation Corvette owners cursing General Motors designers about this process. Fortunately it appears that GM listened to their customer base and made a change from the fourth to fifth generation in regards to getting a battery in and out of the car.

How To Change Corvette Battery

The C5 and C6 share access points and locations. When designing the C7 Corvette one could say that they may have been looking forward to the rear engine Corvette, as they completely relocated the battery and it is no where near the engine. It is not even on the same end of the car. And now that the rear engine Corvette is a not-so-secret secret, the battery location tends to make a bit more sense.

So what does it take to change out the battery in the last three generations of the Corvette? Take a read through today’s How-To Tuesday article here. In the end taking on this task at home is something that you should definitely consider doing on your own rather than taking it to a mechanic or dealership. Grab a new battery at a local car part store and spend an hour or less on your own, you will not regret it.

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