Gorgeous ForgeStar CF5s for Sale

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Picking the right set of custom wheels is hard, especially for an iconic car like the Corvette. You can spend months looking at different styles, and if you’re lucky, you can have a talented friend do a few photoshop mockups to get an idea of how they’d look on your car.

Once you’ve settled on the style and finish, it takes a lot of careful planning to choose just the right setup when it comes to size and offset. After that, careful tire selection is important. Tires are the most important modification you can make on your Corvette, and it’s important to get it right.

Corvette Forum member Sergio8A has already gone to great lengths to make sure his wheels look great on his C6, but he’s unfortunately made the choice to sell. No photoshop necessary: you can see how great they look on his car.


His carefully selected staggered setup fills the wheel wells of his car perfectly, and the brushed gunmetal finish of his ForgeStar CF5s really sets off the silver paint on his Corvette. I’m sure they would look great on many other Corvettes, too.

These beautiful wheels are wrapped with some serious rubber: Hankook Ventus V12s. This setup is ready to go, with under 500 miles on them. Interested?

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Cam VanDerHorst has been a contributor to Internet Brands' Auto Group sites for over three years, with his byline appearing on Ford Truck Enthusiasts, Corvette Forum, JK Forum, and Harley-Davidson Forums, among others. In that time, he's also contributed to Autoweek, The Drive, and Scale Auto Magazine.
He bought his first car at age 14 -- a 1978 Ford Mustang II -- and since then he’s amassed an impressive and diverse collection of cars, trucks, and motorcycles, including a 1996 Ford Mustang SVT Mystic Cobra (#683) and a classic air-cooled Porsche 911.
In addition to writing about cars and wrenching on them in his spare time, he enjoys playing music (drums and ukulele), building model cars, and tending to his chickens.
You can follow Cam, his cars, his bikes, and his chickens at @camvanderhorst on Instagram.

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