Tag: design

Does the C7 Make the C6 Corvette Look Dated?

Does the C7 Make the C6 Corvette Look Dated?

When asked by a colleague if the C7 Corvette makes the design of the C6 look dated, my response was, “Absolutely, unequivocally, yes and in a major way.” I went on to say that anyone who disagrees either owns a C6, or should have their eyes checked.

By: | January 27, 2015

What if the C7 Corvette had been Designed in Brazil?

What if the C7 Corvette had been Designed in Brazil?

Good looks are good looks, right? Aside from the rear-end many of you would change at the drop of a hat, the C7 Corvette is a successful design, but what if that successful design had been penned from someone outside of the United States? Would that transform your love for the C7 Corvette into anguish? […] More »

By: | December 10, 2013

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